Jolly nice pirates

  • Just rolled up to plunder outpost saw a sloop with no skin, white sails etc. Assumed they were new. They went to sail off, i shouted 'dont worry lads, varry on i wont rob you'. I got about my business, they got about theirs. When i returned to my sloop they had left a crate of equisite spices and an ashen maurauders chest on my deck... clearly it pays to be nice!

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  • Some pirates can be pretty cool. Yesterday I was running a few level 1 goldhoarder voyages to work on the voyage completed commendation and of course I was getting castaways and seafarers chests. I didn't really want them or need them so I found the nearest ship to hand them off.

    As I got closer, they took off from the island they were on. I started to raise sails and drift to a stop as they got into speaking trumpet range and I could hear them asking if I was friendly. I told them I had free chests they could have but they were still really skeptical about it.

    I swam one over to their ship explaining I was athena 10 and didn't care for low level treasure. They let me on board to drop it as they searched my ship but they didn't grab what I had left so I went back to get the rest of the treasure for them. I dropped one in the water next to them and handed the other directly to one of them.

    They seemed grateful but still suspicious. I told them I would have more later if they wanted them, and that if they formed an alliance with me, I would bring them any more I ended up with but they kindly declined.

    You should always be cautious when it comes to other crews but sometimes people will be cool. Though I guarantee that if they tried to kill me or sink me, I would have fought back. Since they didn't resort to hostilities, they got free treasure. Being kind can sometimes pay off.

  • @nikjw

    "Random acts of kindness"... it's great when it unexpectedly goes both ways.
    Nice one.

  • @NoFears-Fun see it does happen out there at sea as well, hopefully the civility will spread more and more in the coming days, especially as our new Christmas Pirates settle down.

  • @nikjw Nice, I was doing 4 guilded athenas last weekend (we saved ours until we all could play together) Rolled up on a default sloop on Crooks Hollow. Guy was default, had 4 wet cloth and a seafarers chest. I came up to his boat and told him to ally and explained how to do it, I don't like to pick on new players. He snipped me the proceeded to harass my crew with double gunning us around the island. We would kill him and he would sail back, shoot over and do it all over again and we would kill him again and again. Took us about an hour just to do that one island because of having to chase him around it. He had no chance in sinking us he just wanted to harass us, he missed out on a lot of cash and rep that day.

    Sometimes it doesn't pay to be nice.

  • @nikjw they where nice mate

  • @nikjw

    That really made me smile, lovely to see what a bit of kindness can do!

  • @zormis thats a shame, fair play for trying though. Hopefully somewhere down the line the dude will realise that he cut his nose off to spite his face.

  • @nikjw The other day I was doing some solo cargo runs and I was just about to hop off for the night when I saw a sloop parked at crescent isle. Usually I am not an offensive pirate, especially when sailing alone, but I figured it was a good time to get in some PvP practice in preparation for Arena. I also had a rowboat and bunch of gunpowder on me so I thought I would practice a sneaky bomb.

    I rowed over to them and tried to light the barrels while the rowboat was moving and mistimed it just barely so that they blew up behind their sloop and only put back holes. Then I decided to try to ram them into the island to get some front holes. Eventually they were able to kill me and they manage to save their ship (hats off to you guys BTW). But boy were they made.

    They left crescent isle and headed towards my sloop parked at a fort nearby. They engage on me (which was deserved) but they made one major error... they had a gunpowder barrel on their main deck that they were going to try and kill me with. One of cannonballs connected with it and they sunk.

    Right after I pursued a Brig for a little while but they had no interest in fighting and were able to get away by sailing with the wind. After giving up on them, I got attacked by a Meg and decided to kill it for the commendation instead of logging off. By the time I killed it and gathered all of the loot, my sloop buddies had returned to crescent isle. I decided I would give them the treasure from the Meg as a gift of apology for my earlier attack.

    I sailed my ship over to them (they again were anchored with sails down and didn't see me coming... they were newer) and began calling to them with the speaking trumpet. They were annoyed that I had return (you could tell in their voice lol) but when they realized I was coming to give them the treasure they were quite surprised. One of them said "you went from being a jerk (used a different word though) to really nice at the flip of a switch." I explained that I normally don't attack other ships, especially not fellow sloops but my PvP was getting rusty and I needed to prepare for Arena.

    I helped them grab the supplies off my ship and then I logged out. They were nice.

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