New player story

  • So one night I decided to end off the day with some quick sailing. I ending up in a galleon crew. One guy looks like he’s played for a bit while the other two were new. They were about 1/3 into a skull fort so I helped out. After about an hour we got some pretty good loot. I recall we got that new skeleton gunpowder keg. I imagine the 2 new players have never seen this before. I was really tired and just wanted to get this over with, but the new guy wanted to see how it worked. I just finished stacking all the kegs in the mast, right when the newbie shot the keg. As anyone who’s played this game enough would know this keg has a higher than average explosion radius. Big enough it blew us and the entire ship up causing us to lose the treasure. I did not sleep well.

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  • Ahoy mate! Sorry to hear this, I know the feeling because it happened to me as well. I was in alliance with 2 other crews, we where all in sloops and after the fort is done I wanted to take the keg and put it in the crows nest but as soon as I get up there a newbee just shoots the keg with no warning.

  • @tylers-mod What a waste of good treasure :(

  • @tylers-mod said in New player story:

    I did not sleep well.

    I certainly feel for you... there will be another day.

  • @tylers-mod Sorry for the loss but that's a hilarious way to lose it.

  • I remember when I played the insider, a friend of mine had never seen the powder keg, decided to hit with the sword to see if it exploded. At least that powder keg did not explode as much as this new one.

  • Ah The Pleasure of sailing with Randoms! Never Expect anything and you'll be fine..... Have you been joined by a random who throws your loot off the back of the boat as you sail to the next quest, and then leaves the game?

  • @tylers-mod ok but it was his first time playing so you can't blame him

  • Had a guy do the same thing but by accident. Stuff happens.

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