Where is the shrouded ghost meg?

  • I cant find this megalodon, i sail a Lot of milles every day and this shark is imposible to see...

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  • @spiraguismo good luck .. I've sailed over a million meters since the update ... almost capped every other meg commendation.. stole some athenas for the legendary theif title ..I've been playing 20-30 hrs at a time and sleeping only 4-5 and tested about 50 theories on how to spawn it .. I feel it is random and like a .01% spawn rate

  • I finally found one then my game crashed a few days ago still annoyed by that.. haven’t seen it since I was near the fog when I saw it the first time

  • been searching everyday.. nada. if i see fog, i head right to it, i circle on the outskirts of the fog, sail back and forth thru it. this Meg is elusive for sure

  • I have sailed in and out of fog, fast, slow, stopped, anchored, played songs, been dead silent. Tried with lights on and off. Still no ghost meg. I have all the others done, just need the all illusive ghost meg. If anyone comes up with an idea on how to encourage an encounter, it would be very much appreciated.

  • @Musicmee @KattTruewalker @Tartansnake @KnifeLife @Sshteeve @Ant-Heuser-Kush @Clumsy-George @J4dio Sorry to spam you all, but you all are the wisest pirates I know on these seas. Any of you have a clue on this?

  • @nofears-fun
    Hihihihihiii, Every Pirate or Person you mentioned is endeed wise , but not me, i don't belong in the row of wise people , that 's for sure and i prove that everyday...Sorry Sir, i've been searching for this Mythical Monster too but didn't had any luck in finding it...But don't let that discourage you , it is building up thrills and expectations and if...you see it , well then i would like to pay real money to see the smile and relieve and pride of taking this beast down.

  • @clumsy-george You can count me out of that wise list aswell! I’m about as much use as an ashtray in a sandstorm! :P

    @NoFears-Fun But in answer to your question I’m not sure if there is any specific way that you can get it to spawn. I think it’s just down to chance. :)

  • @nofears-fun said in Where is the shrouded ghost meg?:

    @Musicmee @KattTruewalker @Tartansnake @KnifeLife @Sshteeve @Ant-Heuser-Kush @Clumsy-George @J4dio Sorry to spam you all, but you all are the wisest pirates I know on these seas. Any of you have a clue on this?

    Lol if only I knew matey! Other than in the fog I can't say!
    I've not even seen fog yet this update! (Starting to think my game is glitched!)

  • @nofears-fun I'm offended....and will now keep my secret ;)

  • @ant-heuser-kush it isn't?!
    Also nope - no fog for me. Though I have only played around 8 hours of the event so far - little gaming time of late...

  • You should try to sacrifice a chicken.
    Having a gold chicken as a Figurehead has to be a lucky charm!

  • @nofears-fun
    If only, the consensus does seem she can pop up anywhere, but too few sightings to really say yet I reckon :(

  • @triheadedmonkey said in Where is the shrouded ghost meg?:

    @nofears-fun I'm offended....and will now keep my secret ;)

    Sorry matey, wasn't on purpose. I will make sure I add you to the list.... Not sure exactly which list that will be, but you will be on a list matey... ;)

  • @nofears-fun said in Where is the shrouded ghost meg?:

    @triheadedmonkey said in Where is the shrouded ghost meg?:

    @nofears-fun I'm offended....and will now keep my secret ;)

    Sorry matey, wasn't on purpose. I will make sure I add you to the list.... Not sure exactly which list that will be, but you will be on a list matey... ;)

    Though you at least gave a text answer, so I suppose that garners you a spot on the good list (unlike @Musicmee who simply clicked the upvote and moved on without a word)... ;)

  • @nofears-fun 😂 no worries....you were right to leave me off as I am one of the more clueless pirates on the seas.

    As for the Shrouded Ghost, maybe it is a wereshark and only shows during a full moon :O

    (see if that one takes off :D )

  • @nofears-fun Hehehe...


  • @musicmee Ah, there yee are matey, was beginning to ponder if you had become too busy in your new roll for us common pirates... ;)

  • @nofears-fun Hehehe, nope that will never happen!

    I just like to keep my international man of mystery alure up!

  • @nofears-fun he is farming Shrouded Ghosts....he has them ALL which is why no one else can find them :D

  • @triheadedmonkey said in Where is the shrouded ghost meg?:

    @nofears-fun he is farming Shrouded Ghosts....he has them ALL which is why no one else can find them :D

    I wouldn't put it past him....

  • @nofears-fun @triheadedmonkey

    I AM...

  • I've not seen it myself but from those who have, it seems to be in the sea & not always in the fog.

  • Could it be in the shroud?

  • I've heard stories about it being in the fog. Seems like you just need to be lucky.

  • @nofears-fun said in Where is the shrouded ghost meg?:

    @Musicmee @KattTruewalker @Tartansnake @KnifeLife @Sshteeve @Ant-Heuser-Kush @Clumsy-George @J4dio Sorry to spam you all, but you all are the wisest pirates I know on these seas. Any of you have a clue on this?


    I'm pretty sure it's around the fog, as the name implies but it is just a low spawn rate. I don't think you need to be in the fog to get it though.

    I would honestly just start sailing around the known meg spawn spots and looking for it.

  • Yeah, Still looking for it.... This one is for sure the hardest to find.

  • @spiraguismo Yea, it's pretty rare.

  • I've been searching the fog too but haven't had any luck so far. I don't think it only spawns there, but maybe the odds are better?

  • I saw this on reddit but i can not find it for the moment.... we cant see one but have to kill 50 😂😂

  • https://www.reddit.com/r/Seaofthieves/comments/a2iv7x/it_exists/?st=JP90DFDP&sh=48d81788

  • @spiraguismo Yeah, I feel bad for you, I just bought the game and saw the meg within a few hours. Hopefully your luck increases.

  • @galactic-geek no idea man

  • @KattTruewalker @StopEvilmind @triheadedmonkey @Sshteeve @KnifeLife @Clumsy-George @NoFears-Fun @Project-Reds @p0pc0rnH3MER01D @spiraguismo

    One does not find the Ghost Meg.. Ghost Meg finds you.

  • @spiraguismo I think he is extremely rare. I've only seen him once during my many voyages but he despawned for some reason.

    They say he spawns more frequently in the fog but I am honestly unsure about that because I encountered him near smugglers bay while sailing to sanctuary outpost.

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