Anyone fight the Shrouded Ghost yet?

  • I am looking for the Shrouded Ghost

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  • @crazyinthehead I’ve heard he be in the fog

  • @weststormborn That's what I heard as well but tbh I never saw him in the fog and I did spent quiet some time in fogs. Maybe he spawns very rarely.

  • My mate and I have spent a ton of time drifting through the fog, keeping a wary eye on the water, and have yet to see it.

    In fact, in a half-delirious state at the end of a long session, I had a wild idea. I turned to my mate and asked "What do the developers call the red sea?"

    After a few moments, he replied with "The Devil's Shroud".

    I became convinced that it wouldn't be below Rare to hide the shark there, so we sailed (not too deeply) into the shroud and hunted there for an hour.

    Save yourself the trouble, there was nothing to be found.

  • I'm questioning if it even exists yet. I can't even find a video online about it.

  • @irhcsajr There is a video on YouTube of a French crew fighting it by cannon cove.

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