The chase is on! (For Fort loot)

  • Jumped in a random Galleon with 2 inexperienced players and 1 experienced. They were in the midst of parking at sanctuary to grab some voyages. I threw down a normal Athena’s, and what’s this? Fort just spawned and right by us! Grabbed some supplies (they had 0 bananas and 0 wood and 5 cannon balls) then sailed over and started taking the fort down.

    Halfway through the waves a brig rolls up with an Alliance flag but they were also getting into firing positions and no greetings of hello. Not taking a chance, we unload on them and they sailed away. They parked in the water far away but in a good position to head us off at the outpost. We finish the fort and load fast.

    We head back to the outpost and here they come heading us off at the pass. Had the 2 newer guys jump in the water, swim down and turn in the Chest and skull. They catch up to me and the battle is on, cannons firing, one person manages to get on, hits the anchor but I killed him and we caught the anchor before the drop. We get ahead of them and approach daggertooth. This time I sent the 2 new guys with bad chest and tell them to stay visible.

    As we sail on and our 2 shipmates swim to the shore, the brig sees them drops chase and goes after them. Too late, one sold his chest the other gets killed but not before he said “sorry we sold all the loot”. With the brig anchored we get to Galleon’s Grave and sell everything, now that there was no risk in losing anything, I was ready to fight. But despite starting our Atheans and finishing it I never see the Brig again, they must have given up and quit the server.

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  • @zormis aye nice tale

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