The folk you meet

  • So today ive been off work with a touch of man flu, so decided to have a cheeky half hour collecting treasure... logged on, solo sloop, few bananas and look for a quick shipwreck to pilfer before the wife gets home from work (obviously, im ill so she needs to find me sprawled out on the bed just a breath away from my demise upon her return, not playing SoT, how else will i get dinner cooked for me?).... anyway, i find a shipwreck and karma clearly wants to teach me a lesson as theres only one skull on it.... never the less, back to golden sands i go.... now, im not sure if any1 else has this issue, but due to the geographical spread of golden sands i normally do several laps of it before i find the Oos tent and my sloop dont have sat nav and i dont seem to have high enough levels yet to have unlocked a compass with google maps on it! So as im running around in a fashion similar to what the love child of benny hill and capt. J sparrow might do i hear a cannon... as i glance round i see a galleon sailing by... now, i may not have the skills yet of basic navigation but i am savvy enough to know that some one is now on the island with me.... i sell the skull lively and have it on my toes back to the sloop...

    When i arrive, there is a pirate on my deck... now anyone whos read any of my posts will know that combat aint my strong point so i dont want a fight... but i need to apoear confident so i point my pistol at him and walk towards him... he just stands and looks at me... so i think hes not shooting nor am i now i need to work out how to get rid of him.. knowing that an air of confidence normally conveys a message conducive with being double hard.. i begin to speak in my best east london accent ' bruv what you doing on my ship'.. he says nothing, maybe i need to get a bit guy ritchie on him 'if u dont wanna be counting the fingers that u havent got i suggest you get off my ship' I continue, alas, still nothing. So i figure ill just sail off... as me and my new friend sail into the distance.. i see their galleon in the distance... so i figure ill drop him back,

    When i get there they invite me to their party chat and theyre a jolly nice bunch so off we go in an alliance. These chaps are a group of americans and my geographical knowledge of america is on par with that of my knowledge of gs outpost, so i have no idea where they are from although i do remember thinking they sound like extras from deliverance.

    Now my gamer tag is nikjw, so most people in game call me nik but these fellas address me a j w ( pronounced jaaay dubyaa) which tickled me imensely.

    We set sail and come across a galleon. My new friends are ahead of me and encounter the galleon first... i know we are now heading into combat as i hear them shouting 'jaay dubyaaa, jay dubyaa shoot shoot' i then become aware they have boarded the ship as i can hear their battle cries... as they obviously chase these pirates around their ship i hear the shout 'run piggy, run! Squeal like a pig boy' whilst one of them makes squealing noises!... i was laughing so hard that i didnt hear the wife come through the door ...until she said 'feeling better' and walked out the room cursing sot under her breath..... guess ill be cooking my own dinner tonight and ironically its gammon!

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  • @nikjw Bravo, that tickled me.

    Out of interest, what you cooking tonight? :P

  • @octopus-lime said in The folk you meet:

    @nikjw Bravo, that tickled me.

    Out of interest, what you cooking tonight? :P



  • @nikjw Thank you for a truly great way to tell a story. Very glad they didn't ask you to squeal as well.

  • @nikjw what an amazing story, been in a fairly similar situation myself (having to cook my own dinner, with errr man flu ?? whilst the wife walks in cursing the game). Seriously though, that just made me LOL so much, thank you for the sharing of it.

  • @j4dio Does being off with a poorly little one and still sneaking in a gaming session count?! Did this Monday ;P

  • @nikjw nice tale mate

  • @sshteeve certainly does! This is why everytime my boy is off school sick i say 'dont worry wife, ill work from home today, youre far too busy' (I do actually address her as wife, figure i paid enough for the title so may aswell use it) and by work i mean play sot.... the boy gets looked after, i get a bonus sot session and i end up in her good books.... maybe not a pirate legend yet but ive got husband legend nailed!!!

  • @nikjw Fantastic idea. Now you just need to get your boy (when their old enough) to play SoT with ya and your both set for the day. My oldest wants his own account already, but I'm pretty sure my fiancee does not want me stealing our computer from our business and turning it into another gaming rig. Mind you she already took my computer to play SoT and gave me the xbox.

    EDIT: Great story by the way, I wish my encounters ended more like that, but since becoming more formidable with a sword I tend to shoot first these days.

  • @nikjw said in The folk you meet:

    (obviously, im ill so she needs to find me sprawled out on the bed just a breath away from my demise upon her return, not playing SoT, how else will i get dinner cooked for me?)....

    So true!

  • @friedwilly ahhh either you have married a similar woman or you are my local milkman who knows my wife better than i do for some reason!....

  • @nikjw said in The folk you meet:

    @friedwilly ahhh either you have married a similar woman or you are my local milkman who knows my wife better than i do for some reason!....

    Yes, very similar and I am sure we are not alone.

  • @friedwilly im sure we are not, perhaps our wives will have us all start a sea of theives anonymous group where we all sit in a tavern together to try and combat our respective pirating..... 'hello my name is nick amd im a sea of theives-a-holic'

  • @Friedwilly @nikjw
    Are we duplicates in the matrix or what?

    I could write the same story with little tweaks here and there. ;)
    Okay, don't ask no more. Here it is:

    *"... i begin to speak in my best german accent 'Waat arr you duuing witt mei Schipp'.. he says nothing, maybe i need to get a bit Arnold on him 'GET BACK TO YOUR GALLEONE' "

    "Now my gamer tag is dmXbox, so most people in game call me "DM" but these fellas address me as Xbox ( pronounced EX BOCKS) which tickled me immensely."

    "... i know we are now heading into combat as i hear them shouting 'EXBOCKS, EXXBOCKS kill kill' i then become aware they have boarded the ship as i can hear their battle cries...

    "i was laughing so hard that i didnt hear the wife come through the door ...until she said 'Fühlst du dich schon besser?' and walked out the room cursing some words like "Idiot, Segeln, Pirat" under her breath.....

    "guess ill be cooking my own dinner tonight and unironically its Leberkäse mit Kartoffelbrei."*

  • @nikjw RollingOnTheDeckLaughing cracking!

    My desk is by the window so sometimes I need to close the curtains so not to get screen glare.
    Sometimes I forget to re-open them and get wife glare.
    She knows...

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