What should be done about Mermaid Statues?

  • Ahoy Mates!
    In the latest Release Notes they mention in the 'known issues' that the Mermaid Statues have been temporarily disabled.

    Exact Quote:

    • Mermaid Statues have been temporarily disabled due to performance issues.
      Improvements to this are being investigated, and the intention is to re-enable these as soon as possible.

    So the way I see it, there's 3 options Rare can do when it comes to the Mermaid Statues:

    • Leave em out of the game permanently.
    • Bring em back into the game as they were.
    • Bring em back but with a reward when you destroy them.
      Mermaid Statue

    I'd like to know which option you'd take?
    Let me know in the comments below!
    Until then see ya on the seas!

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  • Leave them out permanently.

  • Add them back as normal.

  • Re-add them, increase their spawn rate, and include a reward when destroyed. With a possible re-balance so you can't abuse the short range of the pain field compared to the cutlass' hit range.

  • Delete them for better content. If a statue is causing performance issues then get rid of them.

  • Leave them out permanently.

  • Considering our job was to destroy them and they don’t want to give rewards for it anymore. I say keep them out. No more to destroy. Maybe add them back with a mermaid update down the road.

  • Leave them out for now and make an event centering around a tribe of hostile, warrior mermaids suddenly showing up like, "yo, why y'all been smashin' our statues", and we'd be all, "whoops-a-doodles", and they'd be like, "time for a beatdown, ya hairless apes," and we'd be shruggin' like, "here we go again"...

    At least, that's what I think would be neat.

  • Leave em dead.

  • I'd like them added back to also allow for the commendations to still be unlocked. Perhaps they could up the challenge by added a near constant group of sharks to guard each.

  • Bring them back with a 1 doubloon reward when destroyed!

  • These to me have no point of existing so I say personally either leave them out or add them back with a reward to give you a reason to kill them again.

  • It made sense for the event, as it gave players doubloons and a reason for exploring areas of the world they'd never get near if weren't for the statues.

    But with the event gone, they have to add a reward to destroying them, making it worth the effort it takes. If they can't, just leave them out.

    They don't enrich the world at all, without incentive to destroy them.

  • Bring em back but with a reward when you destroy them.
    (Like a gem that can be sold or used in some way)

  • The best option does seem to be to leave them out, unless they can drop a gem or loot as @Guepard4 says.
    I have ignored them ever since doing the event!

  • I think it's fair to say some of us would like to see a purpose to destroy them again.

    But in the meantime, I think it would be better they be back in the game for all the new players and those who have not had the chance to unlock their commendations. It's not because they are useless for us right now that it means they are for everyone. Although this is very negligible, they are still part of the lore of the game.

    I'm also sure that it's not because an event is over that it's the end of the story. Rare probably has other plans that will include these statues in the future, so who knows?

  • If they are really causing serious performance issues I would leave them out until they are useful content. Hopefully they can come back with an underwater expansion (mermaid city??) and actually give the player something for destroying them. I also wouldn't mind if they redid the whole mechanic around them... make them interesting to fight. IDK, spawn mermaids that attack you or something?

  • Some people are very Selfish here, sorry! I don’t know what you’re doing, but I’m an Commendation Hunter, and Im still needing 48 Mermaids to destroy! Also the only answer is bring them back, but with slightly increased spawn rate, because they were too Rare way too Rare, i found 10! Mermaids in 3 Months!

  • I'd like to search them too and get the old dubloon rewards as we are still be able to get the dubloons for older events.
    I don't need or want the barnacle stuff , just dubloons for finding and destroying them.

  • It seems the community consensus is to leave them out.
    However there were alot of people who want em back but with a reward for destroying them.

  • I say they need a complete rework. I suggest they return in another event except have the added gamemechnic of cursing the player who destroys a statue granting them longer breathing time under water to allow for more under water exploration and the ability of discovering rare and unique treasures and easter eggs. There was a whole post discussing this idea so what do you guys think?

  • @sgt-palooggoo if there was a poll on this we would know the forum people's view on this

  • I didn't get to do these back when they released and then was on hiatus from SOT until a couple of weeks ago when Forsaken shores dropped. I'd like to see them back in the game but only if I can get doubloons for them. If I can't get the doubloons then I see no point in doing them. It'd be completely useless and an utter waste of time bot for players and for rare to reinstate them.

  • I prefere that they return reworked, maybe with some underwater treasure near, so there is a reason to search them and also destroy them.

    The addition of the underwater treasure was pretty pointless that time, becaese no one searches in the underwater near the island, even if there was the mermaid statues and also I think very low spawn ratio, in all the time I found just four of them.

    So reward mermaid statues with underwater treasure nearby, maybe you are forced to destroy to take them

  • @sgt-palooggoo Bring them back and a reward for there destruction.

  • They were supposed to have loot spawn around them to encourage people to explore underwater. Bring them back, don't have any of them spawn too close to shore, reduce the damage needed to destroy them, but increase the player damage and the radius for when it begins, and keep loot well inside the player damage radius so that players have to destroy the statue in order to get the loot.

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