Issue with devils roar commendation?

  • I’m sorry if I’m posting in the wrong place, we have been doing gold hoarders voyages in the devils roar but it hasnt been updating in the bilge rats section. I’m still at 1/5 from early on the campaign after completing 2 gold hoarders voyages tonight.

    Is this a known issue? Or is there something specific you need to do beyond just completing the voyage?

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  • Just to clarify, you need to complete all quest sections for the voyage for it to seem to have to count.
    Also just to clarify, only the voyages actually purchased from the gold hoarders count, not any separate found quests do (I have seen some people get confused by this).

  • @personalc0ffee we did get merged early on in the first voyage we did, but not during the second. Is there anything you can do to get credit for it if that’s the issue?

  • @phxd0wn sagte in Issue with devils roar commendation?:

    @personalc0ffee we did get merged early on in the first voyage we did, but not during the second. Is there anything you can do to get credit for it if that’s the issue?

    I know it’s frustrating, I played 2 Weeks Ago on an Solo Sloop an 6 Chapter OoS in Devils Roar, I was so proud that I completed it alone, and the the Commendation Counter didn’t increased, i was very very Salty! But Rare is aware of this issue, they’re working on a solution!

  • @eelporridge we purchased from the gold hoarder at the devils roar outpost and fully completed them, got the voyage complete banner/music. One we lost the chest but only after the banner triggered—that was the same one that we got merged during. The second one had no issues

  • @king-deka said in Issue with devils roar commendation?:

    But Rare is aware of this issue, they’re working on a solution!

    Well, 3 months gone and the bug is still there :( GG

  • So any updates? I just spent 3 hours doing 3 of them and not one counted. We purchased them . Completed and turned in nothing.

  • has this issue found a solution or no??? i've been trying to do these commendations to complete my ashen set, but after doing only god knows how many order of souls voyages I still can't get it past 3/5

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