Forum notifications

  • G'day, just a heads up to the forum guru here.
    Not sure if you are aware of this bug or not, but...

    I have for a long time had to refresh the browser via F5 each time I click any link from the list of notifications.
    Usually this is when I've been tagged a few times and / or have had more than one comment up-voted in the same thread.

    I have held off from mentioning this until I tried another browser but alas here I am in Microsoft Edge and it's doing the exact same as Firefox.

    This may seem trivial but some days I have up to 32 notifications. I'm sure this would effect deckhands too.

    If you could look into this bug it would be appreciated.
    Thank you.

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  • @admiral-rrrsole

    Hmm, it doesn't affect me often, I did notice this yesterday for a brief time, I use chrome.

  • @admiral-rrrsole Ahoy matey!

    You are not alone, me and @PersonalC0ffee discussed this last night, the only way I find out who tagged me is by stumbling across their posts in the unread section.

  • @personalc0ffee said in Forum notifications:

    I want EACH AND EVERY notification to be seen where I am called.

    Your wish is my command, did you get this one ;)

    Seriously though, it can be a bit glitchy I use chrome, hasn't been right for weeks.

    Good Morning btw... and have a Peachy Day all... it's Friday!

    Sorry........ 'am bad for the 'ear worm'

  • @personalc0ffee said in Forum notifications:

    I want EACH AND EVERY notification to be seen where I am called.

    alt text
    Coffee, we NEED you!

  • @admiral-rrrsole
    Notifications have always been a mess, it's a game of:

    • Why is there still a number there I clicked all the new notifications right?
    • Hey a random reply to me in this thread I'm reading, why isn't there a notification for this?
    • Oh look someone has been using forum chat to talk to me a week ago, why didn't I see that?

    It's the forums way of keeping you sharp

  • @personalc0ffee

  • Thank you all for replying to confirm that it wasn't just my system. Phew

    @fishst1ck said in Forum notifications:

    Notifications have always been a mess, it's a game of:

    • Why is there still a number there I clicked all the new notifications right?
    • Hey a random reply to me in this thread I'm reading, why isn't there a notification for this?
    • Oh look someone has been using forum chat to talk to me a week ago, why didn't I see that?

    It's the forums way of keeping you sharp

    • Yes to all of the above.
      Searching for that elusive notification number that just refuses to count down has got me many times. lol
      The worst part is I know it's buggy but I'd hate to have missed a reply or PM inbox so I've often gone through the entire list again "Click" refresh, click refresh,....... (x 20+)
  • @personalc0ffee Your personal slogan could be, "Good to the last drop!".

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