Choice of Servers

  • Hello Team Rare

    I see many comments from players who like to play more quietly, doing their missions quietly, others with more advanced character level like to go to the fight.

    One thing that got me even more into the Sea was the question of being able to form an alliance.

    My suggestion, instead of separating the game modes, would be to have the option of being able to choose servers that are full or empty. This would make many players able to do their missions quietly, and others already like to do missions while in alliance.

    Many Brazilians have groups in whatsapp, and try to find themselves on the same server to form an alliance, make videos for social networks, and it's very difficult for everyone to come together.

    Having this practicality of being able to choose a server from a list would help many people and avoid too much the arguments of separating PVP and PVE.

    Thank you

    Kleber Medeiros

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  • Yeah but then it wouldnt really be a “pirate” game if you are in an empty sever...

  • this is no different than a pve only server, cmon now... this is getting comical.

  • @beanmariocow
    I agree with you.

    But having the option of choosing a server would help those who enjoy playing with friends. And it would please those who like to do their missions without being interrupted. I like to attack, but respect who is a beginner.

  • @enticed-malice
    The idea would not be to separate the game modes. Pirate has to have an attack. But there are those who like to play solo, and those who like to play as a team. Even for those who like to play as a team, would close a server among friends to practice PVP between alliances. Those who like to play solo, would choose empty servers.

  • @kleberm86 i see what you are saying but then server merges would not occur and that's a no no. it's a select few who want this whole "leave me alone" type gameplay. I'm totally against it.

  • Rare has said they were working a feature into the game at some point to allow you to join with friends on the same server. Hopefully they will push it through at some point. But a quiet server or region specific server is not really a good solution.

  • @enticed-malice I know most people like to go for the attack. I'm already legendary, Athena 10, and I like to help others, and attack as well as any pirate.

    My humble opinion would be a greater ease of you being able to play with more friends within the same server

  • @kleberm86 No different game modes. It is a PvPvE game. PvE gets loot on the seas and PvP steals it. Kind of important. It’s not a loot farming game.

  • @bran-the-ent
    I agree with you.

    Pirate game has to have a PVP, adrenaline, take risks.

    My friends love PVP and I would like to join a server, being all in call, battling each other.

    I see that many here complain about separating this manners. PVE PVE

  • @iceman-0007
    For many, it would not be nice to have silent servers. I believe that having the option to join with more friends, to form a larger alliance, would be interesting

  • @kleberm86 said in Choice of Servers:

    I agree with you.

    But having the option of choosing a server would help those who enjoy playing with friends. And it would please those who like to do their missions without being interrupted. I like to attack, but respect who is a beginner.

    Well if a “beginner” never experienced getting crushed by a couple of pirate legends, how will they get any good? Also, sea of thieves is a competitive game and if a beginner doesnt like that then you might aswell just stop playing, or suck it up and get good.

  • @kleberm86 Don’t claim to agree with me and then contradict that statement in the next breath.

  • Let's take every players skill of the game away and through you into a server with players who are well experienced and crush you every single time you log in to the game. How do you feel. I just got the game and I want to get better but when I'm with my friends who are also new to the game are trying to learn the game but keep getting sunk every time another player group see us, we are NOT gonna get better at the game. We as new player need to learn the basics of the game and get the controls down pact before being thrown to the dogs. I'm not wanting a pve server or be able to chose a server that's empty to farm loot but to learn the game.

  • Play at off peak times if you want a PvE server, middle of the night or wee hours of the morning.

    Possible to sail for hours and not see a soul, or work a fort solo and not get ganked.

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