So this is progress in Sea of Thieves

  • I was calmly sailing around. Just watching my map and sails. Hardly any waves. Then suddenly: action music, loud noises on both sides of my sloop. I sailed right into a skeleton captain's domain!

    I'm not sure why I decided to fight rather than run, but I sent a hail of cannonballs to the enemy ships. I think I hit most of the time and to my surprise, one of the skeleton ships sank! When I ran out of cannonballs (and wood) I had to make for a port to restock. Upon my return I only needed a few more shots to also sink the second.

    I surely was no match for the next two, but given that I only managed to fire two cannonballs in my previous skeleton ship encounter two weeks ago and now I sank two of them without dying or sinking, I'm pretty sure I'm making progress!
    (edit: I was solo-sailing a sloop)

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