Ping city

  • I joined my usual crew of "Mericans" today helping another get their CCB commendations. Another American friend of ours who joins us from time to time was also playing in our crew.
    From the very get-go I noticed the game seemed more jittery than usual. My movement around the tavern was like I had a few too many even though I hadn't touched a drop... honest.

    On board the moving galleon was even worse. I'd teleport from one deck to another.
    I even tried to grab the chart (map table) and found myself holding a cannon. W*F??

    It wasn't long before all three of them were complaining about ping averaging 500 and spiking to beyond 700 even though we were on an American server.
    Being an Aussie who normally plays every day with my "Merican" friends I average a ping of 300+ so I dared not turn the counter on today. lol

    Two crew mates were disconnected during the session. One at the start of us playing whilst loading the ship with supplies at the spawn outpost and the other at the end of our session as we were about to cash-in.

    I also noticed that there weren't any NPCs at the outpost, therefore I couldn't cash-in any of our loot. Fortunately this wasn't a problem for the remaining two crew members.

    Anyone else experience extremely high ping today?

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  • Noticed it last night especially while swimming. I also had a problem. Opening up my cannon ball barrel in my sloop last night. It would t let me access anything. It would pop up for a second then kick me out

  • This is the second time this week I've had the issue. It wasn't limited to geography or net connection. The issue was server wide, I'm sure, but certainly was affecting each independent player on our galleon.

    The other time this happened earlier in the week, I suspected it was the server itself creating the issues and not my network but since both users were on the same network I just chalked it up to our own local 'net.

    Now that it's happened a second time and affected everyone who were each on their own network and in once case their own continent... I cannot simply ignore that it was certainly a server issue specifically.

    But I wonder to how many the effect is appearing? I don't mean to complain, I just have an interest in reading if this is more of a one-off or if it's simply become more common in the last patch or two?

    Guess it makes no difference anyhow - servers have been a bit wonky since launch - I'm sure recent bug loads have had their fair dues in this regard. I'm sure this too shall pass.

  • Game ran smoothly on my xbone yesterday. We did encounter the barrel opening issue though. I think that's more of a bug then a performance issue...

  • Is anyone facing ping spike on PC these days? I have been having tough time getting into the fights and just too much annoying. Any sort of help is appreciated.

  • Not just today. The last month of play has been full of disconnects and lag. Not sure if it’s on their end or not but it’s never really happened before recently

  • @futurevessel288
    Yes, in fact when I wrote the op, three out of the four of us in that session were on PC.

    Since the last update my screen hangs a lot but this is only when I'm on the boat.
    If I go to adjust sails or turn to face a different direction the game hangs briefly, sometimes up to three or four seconds.
    The other day I was standing beside the helm on our brigantine when I went to adjust the front sail. My screen froze, still at the helm, but when it finally caught up I was at the bowsprit.

    This means certain death when in a PvP encounter.

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