Forsaken Shores at GamesCon

  • Ahoy Maties!
    In the latest developer update executive producer Joe (The Talent) Neate announced that coming this GamesCon we will be receiving lots of Forsaken Shores news.
    Forsaken Shores
    Neate also teased that the event will have footage of the upcoming content update.
    Rare will be live on Inside Xbox during the event as well.
    GamesCon will be happening from August 21st to the 25th.
    So be on the look out for lots of SoT & gaming news coming next week!

    Well, thats all the new information (That I'm aware of anyway) on Forsaken Shores, if ya know about anything I missed let me know!
    Until next time see ya on the seas!
    Rowboat lava

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  • Will this dlc be an extension to the current map or a new area we have to load into?

  • @messiahxxxx
    It'll be an extension to the current map.
    But players will not sprawn there, you'll have to travel there yourself by boat.

  • I wonder how the Maps gonna work with forsaken shores?

  • @dr-peter-tezla
    They'll probably just extended the numbers of the map.
    But I'd like it if you have to change maps when sailing to the Devil's Roar.

  • @messiahxxxx Witness Me...

  • @the-huck-finn

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