Let's Talk About Merchant Alliance

  • It's no secret that players have had some issues and concerns with merch voyages. A lot of the post on this topic I've seen usually go on and on about "the problem" without providing a possible solution. I won't go to depth about MA as a hole but rather two particular concerns of mine. If revisited I think it would greatly improve the experience when doing MA voyages.

    • Variety
      Main source of income is chickens, snakes, pigs, and gunpoweder (that's given on a voyage). My suggestion would be to add in more goods for trade. Quite a few people talk about wanting more reasons to fight the kraken and megalodon so why not have them drop a resource for sale?

    Megalodon tooth and scales, kraken ink and tentacle? Sounds like something the merchant might be interested in. Maybe even regular shark scales or the spears in their back.

    • Crate commindations and achievements
      Okay, this seemed so odd to me that I actually started to consider whether or not it was mistake made during development. Maybe someone from Rare can tell me. Banana, wood, and cannonball crate contracts are received by finding a message in a bottle randomly in the world.

    An update was made awhile back that made it to where they are no longer completely empty. I can not stress enough how much I believe these need to be implemented into the exsiting contracts. The commindations and achievement that you get for these require 1000 of these crates to be turned in on time.

    I made a guess that it could take around a year of playing for a few hours everyday to get that. But I was told by a friend that after some calculations it may actually take upwards of 30 years playing every day to complete?? I'm not sure how accurate this is but you don't need me to tell you how crazy that would be.

    I have to assume that they are not in merch contracts now because in it's current state there would be an overpowering amount of suppies on a ship if you could just collect them. But here's my solution. What if on accepting the contract that has one of these crates in it the merchants (or her employees) place a dedicated barrel on your ship that is only active when on the voyage. You can put stuff in but not take stuff out. When being delivered you go tell her you have it or maybe have us carry it.

    The old crates can still be found and turned in (or saved) but this would be the main way. Let me hear your thought on this idea.

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  • and maybe switch in the teas and silks in for commendations.

  • @dcr-lt-kanada as a replacement if anything

  • @dcr-lt-kanada yes for sure. they have commendations for shipwrecked chests why not nix the bananas, planks and cannonballs and sub the achievements for sugar, tea, silks or spices maybe?

  • During Alpha and Beta testing I was super excited about MA voyages; I assumed they would be expanded once the game had launched. Sadly, this is not the case.

    I have, without using any 'cheese' mechanics or exploits, got to level 45 with MA and I just don't want to do it anymore. I don't mind the constant back and forth or going to an outpost, collecting cages, going to an island and returning with full cages BUT I really want variety. As stated by OP there is currently no way to unlock the supply crate commendations without excessive amounts of luck, the introduction of banana, wood and cannonball crates into the regular voyage crotation is a MUST, not only will this add some much needed variety but would also allow us to unlock the corresponding commendations more reliably.

    I wholeheartedly support the idea of the Kraken or Megalodon dropping a physical reward once defeated, this can be returned to the merchant for gold and reputation. As an additive, most players do not enjoy the Kraken or Megalodon fights, and that is simply because there is no reward.

    P.S More animals are needed in the regular MA voyages.

  • @tyronius-89 Which animals would you like to see?

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