Strangest, yet most incredible night I've had in this game.

  • Long post ahead. This story spans over five hours of gameplay.

    While sailing around in our sloop, my best friend and I decided to take a small break from mermaid hunting and go say hello to any ships we might see on the horizon. We both love messing around in the game, meeting strangers and making them laugh, so after we'd spotted another sloop at a far away island... we knew there was only one thing we could do. We stripped. Took off everything from our pirates. No clothes. I took my hair off, as well.

    We sailed up beside the anchored ship, and announced we were filming the Sea of Thieves episode of girls gone wild, and asked if they'd like to join. To our delight, they agreed. Both members of the second sloop hopped onto our ship, and the one with a female pirate went along and took all their clothes off too. It was a brief, funny encounter that ended when they jumped off our ship, announced they were going to continue their mermaid hunt, and bid us farewell.

    My friend and I sailed off without a set destination, but quickly came across a sunken ship. A quick look through left us with nothing but a seafarers, so I got the idea to sail back to our new friends and give them the chest. Plopped it down onto their deck and said it was their payment for being on the show.

    But that's when one of them decided to start killing us. He killed my friend first and I, with no real interest in fighting at the moment, did a quick jig as he ran over and gave me the same treatment. My friend was spawn camp killed, and I was eliminated for a second time by a blast of gunpowder, loading in just as they raised our anchor and set two kegs onto our ship, setting us on our way to sink. I loaded back in before my friend, and managed to bail and patch before we lost our ship to the blasts.

    So of course, with our ship now in tact once more, the only option was to sail back. We turned right around and exchanged some playful banter with the other boat. My friend and I weren't angry, we had nothing to lose on our boat and were just playing around, so if we sank or not wouldn't have put a damper on our nights.

    A friend loaded up a cannon and fired towards their ship as a playful warning shot, which is when the male pirate called out to us, saying cannons were against the rules. They weren't using them, and we shouldn't either. We agreed, of course. Then begun the sniper chase. They tried to give our chest back, the male pirate quickly apologizing for his parner who kegged us, but I said repeatedly that we didn't want it and sailed past his pirate in the water.With myself at the wheel and my friend at the bow, eye of reach in hand, the next ten minutes or so was an exchange of shots while we chased them around an island..... but that came to an end when the meg appeared.

    What was already a wild night, my strangest encounter within the game, became believable as the fight between us easily turned into a double team against the meg. Nothing but sniper shots were pumped into the shark and with time and effort, she was defeated. Our battle was over, they apologized once again for the attack, for us losing our chest (which I once again assured we didn't really care about), and left us with two artifacts on our boat to make up for the seafarers. We said our goodbyes, and sailed separate ways.

    Happy with our experience, my friend and I sailed to the closest island in search of more mermaids.... but found a ruby. So of course, we got back on our boat, turned it around, and headed straight towards the boat that was more than likely fed up at this point. When within range, we simply asked if they wanted to do a ruby with us, and they agreed without hesitation, saying they'd follow us to where it was. After completing the mermaid without a hitch we said our goodbyes, once again, and sailed away.

    This time, we truly intended to go our separate ways. My friend and I headed straight south to an outpost, looking to drop off he artifacts and pick up a few bananas while we discussed plans for the rest of the night. Should we log off? Should we do a voyage? Before even deciding on the next plan.... my friend got an xbox message.

    It was someone from the other sloop. They found a ruby mermaid. We sailed right over.

    One mermaid turned into five, into ten. Several islands later my friend and I ditched our ship and hopped onto theirs, sailing the four of us around in search of mermaids together. Everyone was friendly, joking around, offering bananas in the nude, and having a good time. This went on for about an hour until the male pirate said he was off for the night. We thought this was the end, a good way to end our story, but the female pirate (who was actually a guy, playing with a female character) stuck around to sail with us without hesitation.

    We sailed for hours. The three of us on a sloop, with my friend and I miraculously never dying, visiting island after island instead of statues, racking up around sixty as a team. The conversation flowed easily with more jokes to be had, the three of us switching occasionally from complete nudity to swimming around in the absolute worst outfits we could put together, stubbornly offering bananas, and firing warning shots into the air each time our companion for a little too full of himself.

    This went on long enough for the night to pass and the sun to rise, an unwelcomed reminder that our time to get off for the night had passed long ago. With the same skull for up for the last hour or so, my friend and I suggest that as a team we tackle the fort together in a final hurrah.

    The fort was a breeze and our new friend refused to keep any of the loot for himself, citing the countless times he'd stolen other's loot that night as the reason, but helped up carry everything onto our boat and onto the outpost as well. A quick turn in later, and it was time to say our goodbyes.

    We spent a handful of minutes sitting on our boat, all three of us naked, chatting for a small while. The sun had gone up even more, and I stressed the need for everyone to head off to bed.

    Not without a quick fencing match. Our friend and I stepped onto the pier, guns emptied and bananas eaten, and set the final encounter into motion. Our sword match lasted longer than expected, both of us lunging, dodging, and falling into the waters because of our constant laughter.

    I was victorious in the end, my opponent left defenseless against his final blow as his pirate had tucked out after a hefty lunge, fading into the ferry and out of our lives.

    It was an incredible night, one I couldn't keep from smiling about as I finally settled into bed. It's encounters like this that make me love the game.

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  • @valenion hahaha that's a good story! And when yall did the ruby mermaid did both slope groups get it?

  • @smokintediz yep! as long as someone from both crews get a hit in, it's counted for everyone.

  • @valenion nice! Thanks!

  • i love this. the night the meg got killed by about 8 of us and we all hung out with our new equipment on a sloop, i never wanted it to end. i was laughing so hard, i was nearly tearing up. i could barely sleep even though i needed to. i just kept smiling, laughing sometimes, and rolling around lol bittersweet when you get back on and it's back to normal, but i think it makes these moments that much more special 😭💓

  • sounds like the start of a horror slasher flick:

    Teenagers all naked on a boat having a party, then a maniac with a sword hacks them up for pleasure.

    This isn't an adventure game it's a B-horror flick!

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