So....... I'm making me a 3D modeled Piratical Painting Frame ;-)

  • I'm not entirely sure why I've started yet another project while I've got half a dozen in various stages of completion. Well...let's just say I'm wandering where the Muse leads me.

    In this case I've been eyeing the Painting Frame that hangs in Rare's Sea of Thieves studio. Finally got a new full shot of it in one of the recent developer's updates and pulled it into service :-D

    A few in-process shots...will hope to get it on the 3D printer soon. Make my usual small test print. Dang...might even have to pull the CNC into play and make a larger wooden one! I figure to add my SpecialAdvisor loading screen pirate of course.

    More to come...

    alt text
    The Inspiration

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    Basic Model Layout

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    A bit of zBrush texturing and cutlass slashing

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    The current model status and concept idea.

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  • @specialadvisor Wow this looks great! Can't wait to see it finished. It's always more fun and challenging to have multiple projects on the go. One of the main reasons I can never seem to finish any at the moment haha. Too many ideas and not enough time!!

  • @specialadvisor great job as always. I like your work.

  • Many thanks mateys!

    Test print came off the Ultimaker 2E+ this evening. Pics tomorrow :-)

  • This is a pic fresh after printing...raw of course and still on the build plate. Will need some clean up before painting.

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  • @specialadvisor nice! next challenge print a 3D compass

  • that looks cool

  • @SpecialAdvisor next challenge print a 3d sword and pistol

  • Thanks mateys! Right now I have this Painting Frame, the Order of Souls Brazier/Skull, The Boar's Skull Trophy Plaque, the Legendary Pirate Ghost's Necklace, and the Fish Skeleton Trophy all in various states of completion. So much to little time! :-D

  • I'm going to call this one done...for now. One of these days when I finally make Pirate Legend...low those many years down the road ;-) I'll do up a larger one in wood on the ole CNC!

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  • Now that I look at it up close and personal...I might have to dig up that painting of Merrick from the Killer Whale and do up a replica of that...with some added barnacles and a star fish :-D

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