Don’t touch my stuff!!!!!

  • If you join a crew and let’s say there are 5-6 skulls.

    These are my skulls!!!!! Don’t touch them!!! You didn’t earn them!!! You did nothing to contribute to them!!!

    I like to decorate my ship with MY SKULLS! I put them
    On the masts and sails and bow.

    Don’t bebgravbing mud stuff and putting it in the cabin. You don’t like it leave!

    The amount of idiots that join. Start taking MY SKULLS down and have the nerve to demand to got to Outpost to sell them grinds my gears!

    You been on the crew for 3 minutes. You don’t get to log in and sell free loot!!!

    You don’t likhave my play style? LEAVE!!!!

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  • @glannigan they are the crew's skulls. the fact that you collected them (in an open crew) makes no difference. If you want things to yourself, choose a closed crew.

  • yep do a closed crew skull problem solved.

  • I agree with @triheadedmonkey. If you don't like the way others play in open, and want to keep things how you like them - close it u. Can't fault people for wanting to be cautious. A ship full of treasure can be ripe for the picking; should another crew come across you.

  • @glannigan If I joined a crew and there are 5-6 skulls on board, I think "wow, what moron hasn't cashed these in yet"

    If you have set your crew settings as open, then congrats, they are not YOUR skulls. They are the crews skulls.

    I get you wanting to decorate your ship, as we have been given nothing to decorate our ship with by the developers, but you can't call people joining your crew who sell the skulls idiots. The are just doing what they're supposed to. As said above, set your crew to closed to avoid this happening, otherwise don't complain.

  • Understood. Now how do you propose we spread the word to the thousands of players who don't use the forums of your...peculiar ways.

    But really...'idiots'? For logging into a game around the task of loot collecting, seeing loot, and wanting to cash it in? Look you do you, I keep a skull I call Dead Tom so I aint judging...but your level of aggression is a bit much.

  • Agreed with others here - if you'd like to cover your ship with glowing "I have treasure" lights that is your thing. It's ok to have a thing (I don't buy voyages or eat the bananas from the ship) but as soon as someone else joins the crew the ship and skulls are shared so you no longer have exclusive say.

  • @glannigan don't have a aneurysm

  • If you sail around with an OPEN crew, and someone joins and starts doing things YOU dont like, LEAVE! You are on an OPEN crew, subject to any random person joining and doing whatever they want, and its YOUR own fault for facilitating. Maybe YOU should take your loot out of plain sight instead of leaving a mess all over the ship that some poor soul who joined randomly has to spend time cleaning up/turning in for you. Get a job ya pirate bum!

  • @shuoink said in Don’t touch my stuff!!!!!:

    If you sail around with an OPEN crew, and someone joins and starts doing things YOU dont like, LEAVE! You are on an OPEN crew, subject to any random person joining and doing whatever they want, and its YOUR own fault for facilitating. Maybe YOU should take your loot out of plain sight instead of leaving a mess all over the ship that some poor soul who joined randomly has to spend time cleaning up/turning in for you. Get a job ya pirate bum!

    If I get on a boat I ask - what’s up? What are we doing? If I’m not on board with what the previous member is doing I leave.

    If they are in the middle of a Merchant Voyage (I hate Merchant Voyages) I don’t start messing with their Crates and Baskets!!!! I don’t ruin their Merhcnat voyage!!

    If I’m rocking a green glowing PVP War Machine with 300 Cannon Balls, a hundred planks and skulls on the Masts and Bow and I tell them “This is a PVP War Machine” I expect them to say ok cool or leave!!!

    Not grab my skulls (mine cause they weren’t even part of the crew when gathered) and start stashing them under barrels on the 3rd deck and demand we got to an outposts and sell them.

    That’s rude!!!

    When you Join a random crew the first thing you do is see if it’s a match. If not you leave!

  • @glannigan closed crew...'problem' solved.

    until then, they are not yours

  • “PvP war machine” with a bunch of randoms? Sounds risky.

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