Islands not loading?

  • Since the patch this week I've noticed Islands 'popping' into higher levels of detail when I get close to them.

    When I try to look at islands in the distance through the spy-glass, they don't get any more detailed. It's like the spyglass zooms in on the low-poly / low-detailed version of the island, but doesn't give any further information and it's not until I can reach out and touch the island, the higher-poly / more-information version of the island loads.

    I run on PC with max settings, 60fps and haven't changed any of the settings since this started happening. Can anyone else verify? or have I broken something my end?

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  • @draggonblade Yep, this is how it is for everybody. Very unfortunate :/

    It's those darned console players holding us back lol ;)

  • @draggonblade nope, you didn't do anything wrong.
    Since launch the "performance optimization" only gets optimized in the way that PC players get c******r visual appeal so XBOX people do 5 second 360s in 4k.

  • Cheers for the replies lads, that's good to know I at least didn't break something!

    Pity the spy-glass is redundant now though :/

    I am regularly designated look-out and quite enjoyed using the spy-glass, I noticed the difference right away.. sigh

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