Ahoy there Community! How goes it?

  • @khaleesibot not as good as it can be. My game freezes a lot and it has cost me more booty than my heart can bare. Usually it freezes for 20 long seconds and than I get kicked out. It's not just me, my mateys have this issue as well. We have put up a couple of bug reports, but didn't receive any answer yet.

  • Hi, I'm good.

  • Hi, I left work an hour ago, now I'm at home. What could be better than playing SoT in some minutes? ☺️

  • @khaleesibot Haven't had a full sailing session since Thursday D: I think I'm dying...

  • @khaleesibot Pretty good! Just finished watching Japan beat Colombia with my wife! So far, all of my teams in the World Cup are undefeated .:D How are you?

  • @whenkoalasattak said in Ahoy there Community! How goes it?:

    @khaleesibot Pretty good! Just finished watching Japan beat Colombia with my wife! So far, all of my teams in the World Cup are undefeated .:D How are you?

    Lucky! You'll have to help me pick teams. All of mine are doing terribly! Haha~

  • @khaleesibot oh you know. Just contemplating life, my existence, the whole universe and trying to find my place in the whole thing. thinking about everything I could/should be doing vs what I am currently doing.
    Ya know, the norm. Lol
    Did you get to come to E3?

  • @musicmee Nice to come hang out with you all and post memes again! Moderation hammer is heavy and I much prefer having conversations with you all!

  • 43/36/50 and the grind is real. having a blast sinking all who cross our path. if you see the John B coming your way, run for your pitiful life.

  • @xcalypt0x What!? Get this man to the ocean stat!

    @Alex-one996 No idea, maybe SoT right now!

    @Lt-Swag-Johnson That is not ideal. If you've submitted a bug report, know our team is working on getting a solution to you!

    @SappyElephante Such deep thoughts for a Wednesday! No I wasn't at E3 this year, but hopefully I'll get to meet some of you at other shows later on in this year.

  • @khaleesibot aww. Well I hope you get to visit the states soon. And you better not forget to try that everything bagel.
    And I wish it was Wednesday!! You just got my hopes up 😭😭😭😭😭😭

  • @skulliah Happy BirthdayM80

  • @khaleesibot I believe the best word would be 'miffed'

  • @triheadedmonkey Oh no! I'm sorry! I hope you're less miffed soon.

    alt text

  • Very well, looking forward to getting home and streaming some sea of thieves!

  • @whenkoalasattak so are you from multiple places or? Having an identity crisis?

  • @dutchdeadschot Haha. I'm part Mexican, so I support Mexico. I live in Japan and and married to a Japanese national, so I support Japan. Lastly, I support France because I like a lot of their players and the country was beautiful/amazing when I visited. :D

  • @khaleesibot Am I too late to the party?

  • @whenkoalasattak said in Ahoy there Community! How goes it?:

    @dutchdeadschot Haha. I'm part Mexican, so I support Mexico. I live in Japan and and married to a Japanese national, so I support Japan. Lastly, I support France because I like a lot of their players and the country was beautiful/amazing when I visited. :D

    Very good answer. Very good reasons. We can be friends

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in Ahoy there Community! How goes it?:

    @khaleesibot I'm good. I'm relaxing and I started playing my first MMO ever. SoT, I will be back!

    Which MMO are you playing?

  • @drbullhammer If I were so rude, would I have upvoted you? You're rude for calling me out in K-Bot's thread in front of everyone.

  • Now now @WhenKoalasattak, I don't think @DrBullhammer meant anything by it!

    alt text

  • Still watchin and waitin anf hopin' Rare will sort out the balance in the game, so not playing.

  • @khaleesibot He's bullying me on Discord. He's upset because my team beat his. :(

  • @ant-heuser-kush I picked up the Morrowind expansion for that not to long ago when it was on sale. Been itching to jump back in. I loved the PvP in that game.

  • @ant-heuser-kush I think 13 was roughly when I originally started. I only did the non-vet PvP. I think it was called Blackwater. I still have not gotten a character to vet because of that. Once they got close I just started up a new toon.

  • I’m Pioneer again. I’m so happy, mates!!!🕺🏻

  • @khaleesibot

  • @khaleesibot Quite good to be honest. Went to Disneyland Paris this weekend, but not before testing out my new role as Pioneer!

    Great to be in :D

  • I'm rather good. Just having a small "debate" on what content should be in this game.

    I believe more sword and gun types (other than the 4 basic guns) should be locked behind rep levels, and more variants in the 4 man and 2 man ship classes. And probably more quest types for each faction.

    Oh! And customizable flags and banners. Which would... arguably end the political flag discussion?

  • seeing a lot of old members on forums lately.

  • I’m having a great day, haven’t been able to get on Sea of Thieves today sadly but I’m fuelling my pirate game obsession by controlling Guybrush Threepwood mighty pirate for a bit.

  • @o-pixel-pixie-o Ahhhh LeChuck one of the most fearsome pirates out on the seven seas... love that game!

    Certainly gets me in the Sea of Thieves mood.

  • I'm here just for the GIFs ;P

  • @khaleesibot doing great thank you working hard towards Pirate Legend so close now 49/48/50 how's yourself been?

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