The Tales of Captain Black Lion and his hearty crew of goofballs

  • It was a lovely day on Ancient Spire. My crew and I had just finished up a delicious lunch and washed it all down with a tall mug of grog at the tavern. We stumbled our way down to the docks, gathering supplies for the day's voyage. As we began to sober up, we saw a sloop pull up to the docks. We boarded our galleon as the sloop drew closer. I stood at the prow, watching through my spyglass. I attempted to communicate, waving towards them to show my crew and I were friendlies. The sloop did not drop anchor, instead they passed by, waving in return. As they drew out of sight, I called for the anchor to be raised and the sails dropped and we were under way.

    A few "days" later, my crew and I returned to Ancient Spire. We had a successful voyage; recovering chests from a few islands and salvage from a sunken wreck. We even had a few new scars thanks to some nosey sharks. As we approached, we saw a familiar sloop anchored just off shore. I confirmed that it was our "friends" from the other day. My crew waved, they waved, everyone went about their business.

    As my crew went ashore with our treasure, I remained to prepare the ship for our return to sea. The sloop had just finished unloading and was sailing by. I waved once again and went to work turning the sails.

    Suddenly, I heard cannon fire. I turned and the ocean splashed upwards right next to the ship. Our "friends" had opened fire. Our Sail Master was already swimming back to the ship and got on board just after the attack had started.

    The sloop was rounding our stern and turning to come alongside our port, between us and the shore. I grabbed the closest cannon and opened fire. I managed to put three holes in their ship as they passed by. My crewman also managed to land successful hits on their broadside.

    Another of my crew was able to board their vessel. I went below to repair the holes in our hull as the enemy was slaughtered by my Quartermaster. Their ship was sinking fast. My Quartermaster returned and we waited for the First Mate to return from buying her new hat. Once everyone was on board we set off on yet another adventure.

    We never saw the crew of the sloop again.

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  • @kiethblacklion
    It seems that no matter the vessel, a dishonest pirate is a dishonest pirate... I literally just posted a similar tale just today, about a galleon that opened fire on me with my cannons up, actively waving from the canopy... Isn't it so satisfying to watch them sinking, realizing only then, that they made a fatal mistake :p

  • @honestgr1ft3r said in The Tales of Captain Black Lion and his hearty crew of goofballs:

    It seems that no matter the vessel, a dishonest pirate is a dishonest pirate... I literally just posted a similar tale just today, about a galleon that opened fire on me with my cannons up, actively waving from the canopy... Isn't it so satisfying to watch them sinking, realizing only then, that they made a fatal mistake :p

    It is very satisfying to see the enemy sink beneath the waves after attempting such a fool hardy action.

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