Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7

  • There still is that bug which makes the instruments sound as if they were played underwater when you are close to the waterline on a ship or lean over the railing a bit.
    Plus everybody was still running around butt naked yesterday.
    And for the love of Pete: PLEASE "Un-Carlos-Hathcock" the skeletons!

  • unplayable because of AllmondBeard

  • Ahoy All!

    Just to let you know, we now have an official post on the forums which will be updated with all the information and updates on this issue.

  • yes ok at the end maybe u got "more"for your money.but i play so muh sot it was worth for me

  • @varneth said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    @khaleesibot just to be clear and avoid any "miscomunication".

    About the DLC The Hungering Deep.

    When you said "May" you were talking about the month or the verb...?

    Because it could be a nice way to save your face again using this excuse about the word "May".

    lol Oh, so you are suggesting that some people "may" have thought that Rare "may" have implied a date for the Hungering Deep.
    So there isn't a May Neate? Joe "may" have been addressing his wife, mother, daughter, etc.

    Has anybody from Rare mentioned a year to that "May" statement.

  • @callmebackdraft said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    @sarni88 they didnt fully undid the patch, the better loot is still in place and so are the other bugfixes, for all we know some of that is actually causing the current allmondbeard issues.

    As a software engineer myself I wouldnt directly suspect the still implemented stuff would cause the issues, however so wouldnt be the handing over of items in the specific case of being in water instead of on solid ground.

    Furthermore, yes they stated the reverting of these features is temporary and they will bring them back asap.

    I just think they tried to do too much in a single update with such short lead time:

    • Open/Closed crews
    • Handing over suplies
    • Hiding Gamertag underwater
    • upping the loot level for higher level players
    • several other bugfixes

    They flew too close to the sun and got burned, in my oppinion they should keep the weekly patches at mainly bugfixing. It gives a lot less overhead and a lot less issues whilst testing.

    As stated by others before, as a dev you simply cannot test for every single scenario a user might come up with to use a certain feature especially in a large scale game like SoT, even if you have a public test crowd, however i do see the value in having such a thing for SoT.

    Being an SE, as you say you are and I am not but have done programming, it could be a decimal in place of a comma or vice versa through 1000's of lines of code.......even with all the green text and find functionality that is a boding task.

  • @ohendogo you are absolutely right, a stray variable or reference to something which looks all fine and dandy. However once released to public and that specific reference gets called In that once in a million chance it should be called could just cause a crash.

    Its the rule of numbers, 1000 people can test people stuff a 1000 times before hitting it once, then it gets released to atleast 100.000 people and they do stuff 10 times to get to the same condition.

  • There is a new game crash since the patch yersterday!! After 1 or 2h. playing, the hole server goes down!! It happens 2 times last night!! Please fix it asap!!!

  • @macschakall Ahoy there!

    Unfortunately matey the waters are a bit choppy at the moment... check out the following thread:

    But please feel free to send a report via Support to let the devs know issues are still happening.

  • @musicmee thx for the fast answer!!
    I hope the game works today!!

  • @macschakall It should be back to plain sailing soon! No worries matey!

  • I have an idea ... since in many (including me) have lost treasures, skulls and hens ... not to mention doubloons and reputation, given 2 levels of each faction and 200k of doubloons to all ...

  • @bl4cksh4dow78 a dit dans Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7 :

    I have an idea ... since in many (including me) have lost treasures, skulls and hens ... not to mention doubloons and reputation, given 2 levels of each faction and 200k of doubloons to all ...

    Yeah, sure and give us legendary ship for free please.


  • @khaleesibot I'm pretty sure the download size for XBox One X was about 800MB, not 400.
    (Yes, i know: i'm looking at random details which don't bother most people)

  • @bl4cksh4dow78 yeah, lets just not....
    Stop b*****n’ about getting rewarded for s**t that wasn’t even sure you could have turned in to an outpost, you could have gotten attacked by a superior crew, kraken, your pc couldve given his last breath or you could’ve sailed your ship onto an uncharted island for it to get sunk.

    Anyhow if you cant be constructive with you feedback and or criticism maybe you should just go enjoy the sun from the otherside of the walls your Xbox or Pc is behind and leave the devs to fixing this issue that is bugging them a lot more than it is us. You have to remember this is their livelyhood, their job, something went horribly wrong yes but that can happen anywhere, only with a big game like this it is immediatly seen by hundreds of thousends if not millions of people.

    Yes the loss of time is still painfull, however it is still but a game, nobody died, and it happened to me 3 times as well before i threw in the towel yesterday. However even if i didnt get that much if any rep and gold i did have a great time with both friends and discord randoms, even a few laughs when our ship decided to go airborne or became a submarine the other time.

  • something will have to do as WE have paid for a game that has more errors than content to date!

  • @admiral-rrrsole ha detto in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    @varneth said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    @khaleesibot just to be clear and avoid any "miscomunication".

    About the DLC The Hungering Deep.

    When you said "May" you were talking about the month or the verb...?

    Because it could be a nice way to save your face again using this excuse about the word "May".

    lol Oh, so you are suggesting that some people "may" have thought that Rare "may" have implied a date for the Hungering Deep.
    So there isn't a May Neate? Joe "may" have been addressing his wife, mother, daughter, etc.

    Has anybody from Rare mentioned a year to that "May" statement.

    You man just made me realize that time is something really relative, especially for Rare :P

  • I played last night with a closed groups of UK players 19:30 - 23:30 GMT (mixture of PC and Xbox), no almond beard crashes

    Did experience:

    Response delays to controller commands

    Our ship sunk when it had no holes then reappeared on the surface.

    Latency issues at times to such a degree where it affected orientation.

  • It's a bit shocking that a game with a large alpha and multiple betas over the course of months, still launched with such shaky code.

    When a change as trivial as disappearing gamertags when underwater is causing your server to crash, I also can't help but wonder how much QA is actually being done, and why on earth they still don't have a public test server.

    Saw a video the other day, of a crew who got a pile of chicken coops, and when they hit the coops with their sword repeatedly, it would cause the server latency to spike, and their ship would just start floating away. How are those two things even connected? What kind of netcode is that?

    I'm just tired. This game needed another six months in early access or something, minimum.

  • SEA OF THIEVES had to be a novelty among the MMOs .... I booked it well in advance because I wanted to play it from the FIRST DAY ... I was aware that it could have contained problems ... but I was confident ... to those who told me. .NON HAS CONTAINED, IT IS NOIOSO ... I answered, be patient, you will see that from now to a few months will become a true masterpiece .... the 1.0.7 should have been the patch before the highly anticipated DLC ... and if this does not work ... what should we expect?

  • @bl00d-thirty-99
    I am a consumer, and as such I demand quality;
    In my life I am a waiter and if I treat a client badly, this does not come back, and I understand;
    What I don't understand is that you defend something like that. Have promised much and Asta now, have not fulfilled

  • @oheck Well today is 16, I can complain?

  • @aarghmaargho said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    @mrbear24 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    @khaleesibot All the improvements are an encouraging trend, really... With that being said, I can't help but highlight that it was stated 'Hungering Deep' would be coming in "early May" and today is the 15th... I watched the developer update from last week but, we're getting restless!

    Rare said May, not early May. May still has 16 days left

    You're actually wrong about this. You might want to fact check yourself.

  • @mrbear24 While in one early article they did state Early May all talk since has been that the expect it to hit in May.

    I'd rather it comes out when it is finished and polished than rushed out, so for me even Early June would be acceptable but I know that might not be popular.

  • I believe in this game so much and I try to be more pirate on a daily basis. The only issue is I feel like the team has a missing piece, like a guide or a supervisor of a certain type to follow up on these issues that keep reoccurring, these type of bugs and mistakes are generally not seen in other AA game companies.

    I own a small mobile game development company, even though this game is at an uncomparable much larger scale, certain updates give me the feeling that patches are barely tested before release and also rushed, some bugs are right on the surface that it is surprising how something like that went unnoticed.

    For me, 1.0.6 was a really good patch and felt very stable, but 1.0.7 took us a few weeks back. I do not mind waiting 1 month for every patch and update, as long as it is steady and stable. I know many die-hard pirates would not mind that too, this game will become a Legendary game, but "when" is the question. Now I cannot get my daily dose of Sea of Thieves, I am already addicted, and withdrawal symptoms will end up taking me to the ghost ship.

  • @varneth lol may.... it may-be comes may-be it doesnt in may lol

  • @musicmee said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    @mrbear24 While in one early article they did state Early May all talk since has been that the expect it to hit in May.

    I'd rather it comes out when it is finished and polished than rushed out, so for me even Early June would be acceptable but I know that might not be popular.

    Absolutely agree with this. With what happened with this patch over the last two weeks I would rather they get things sorted before releasing them. Of course, I would also like them to exhibit reasonable foresight so that they can still provide reliable communication about the situation with enough lead to it so as to not come as an unexpected shock. They need to find that balance, and I'm very hopeful that they will long term, but can also rightfully say this whole situation has been abysmal.

    I'm disappointed and frustrated as a customer, yet optimistic and hopeful as I do feel that those involved at Rare really do care and want to get the sails into the wind again. Be it changing their strategy, getting additional support from the Publisher (MS - who should really be more vested in this situation since this is a "golden child" game for them), streamlining the existing strategy so that it is more viable, or even some combination of the three (or even other ideas outside this) it is clear that something needs to be done. And I'm, for the time being at least, willing to remain confident that something will give and let things start moving back to more peaceful waters.

    Granted, as a paying customer I do reserve the right to complain and express my frustrations as issues come up as well as try and provide feedback when I am able for ways to potentially address these issues (heck, Rare frequently asks us to do this).

  • @mrbear24
    Okay they said early may ONCE and immediatly corrected it to May.
    Every other communication has been May, but people are too thin headed to understand that that means May and not early May.

  • @chief-beef-dsp I do not understand how it can bother you that someone asks for text chat for the xbox, yes, you can use a usb keyboard but you know how hateful it is to have open guide, find the person you want to talk to and send the message through xbox live ? so that later if they are on PC no notification comes, I think there should be an option so that the xbox can use the keyboard in-game like PC
    PS if i want to play whitout a mic i will do it

  • Great Patch! Patch of the year :)
    Rare, please, do not release Huntering Deep and other content updates in this year!
    If after simple patch the game becomes unplayable, what will happen to the game after a major update? :)

  • @xmaster13ag I worry about that too, even though enjoying it as it is, I prefer a super stable game base before any DLC, because a new bug over an unfixed bug will open the gates of hell, they will mate and have so many little bugs that will take over the game and hold it hostage for a really long time, then it will be too late.

  • @phuzzybond Woah there. I know from experience that a vast majority of AAA titles with online multiplayer have issues just like this, if not worse. Plus those issues weren't handled anywhere near as quickly as Rare has taken care of the issues with SoT. I know for a fact that they have to be working some insane hours and late nights. Also, Rare has been hiring since before the game released, so they must also be short staffed (I would totally work for them if I could do it remotely).

  • @phuzzybond Nah, bugs on bugs doesn't make more bugs. It makes solving current and subsequent bugs far more difficult, but it doesn't tend to make more bugs. Code can't change itself, no matter how buggy it is.

  • Have skull forts also been removed due to these issues. We have jumped over 30 times yesterday and today. Not 1 skull fort anywhere.

  • @xmaster13ag That's a bit of an overdramatization. Nothing about game development is "simple". Even the smallest patch can introduce that 1 tiny error that causes the whole system to fail. It's just a matter of finding that tiny error in the monsterous amounts of codes.

    Most programming issues are caused by stupid small mistakes that every programmer will make. Saying that they shouldn't release anything else for the game for the rest of the year (6 1/2 months left of the year) because of a (most likely) small error causing big problems, is definitely overdramatic.

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