Kraken Chest

  • After defeating the Kraken, a tangible reward would be to have a special treasure chest, the Kraken Chest, float up to the surface of the water. It would then have to be retrieved and brought aboard.

    As a unique design feature, the chest could be covered in tentacles, that will repeatably smack and damage any character holding it.

    The reward for delivering the chest to the Gold Hoarders should be decent, perhaps 2,000 gold or more.

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  • @goodcleangamer

    I think it should be way more, considering it's from the very thing which tried to sink you.

    so i would say at least 3k up to 4.5k not so sure about the damage thing...i'm already annoyed by snakes! xD

  • @lyk2 Yes, curse those snakes. For that reason I feel snakes need a boost in profit.

  • Kraken definitely needs a reward but I would like to see 3 unique items drop from the Kraken, one that corresponds to each of the three guilds.
    This way beating the Kraken would reward reputation in all three guilds.

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