Fast, easy gold.

  • @d00m-incarnate I do the same (1a.m. - 7a.m.)..Tonight it was galleons and sloops at every one. Maybe things have changed. Patch?

  • I normally start a session by looking around for a shipwreck first, they can provide treasures quite quickly.
    If i don't find one in sight, i scuttle my ship to "fasttravel" to an island nearby and stock up my supplies there. In many cases i found some stuff there too, like gunpowder barrels of treasure chests.
    For an encouraging start into a session this works for me.

  • @haxxorsauruz Don't know what you're playing but I "win" all the time. Killing players is required yes...but its not luck. At least its not always luck (luck always helps.) It sounds like you want to win battles with cannons and while that sometimes works its not the META right now. Not trying to troll but I've seen so many people complain about the PvP because they want it to suit them instead of the other way around. Adapt your game and you will succeed. I find that if you follow a somewhat realistic tactic it works more often than not. Cannons are used to disable a ship prior to boarding. Put some holes in the other guy to distract their crew then board them and make the most of that confusion. And don't just roll around in circles around each other. That spells doom most of the time. Align yourself correctly to make a successful cannon/boarding pass at a ship.

  • @d00m-incarnate I've found the easiest way to earn money is merchant alliance, you pick up a few voyages, start and get the crates, and if the voyage has golden of any animal do it, as golden animals for that specific voyage sell for 1.5k+ and there are maps all over the internet with every animals spawn location, i can make roughly 3k in 15 minutes if i get a quest that has 1 golden and a few black animals, as those are the highest selling. So 3k every 15 minutes multiply that 4 times for an hour and you've got 15k per hour.

  • @big-daddy-ban3 said in Fast, easy gold.:

    I've found the easiest way to earn money is merchant alliance, you pick up a few voyages, start and get the crates, and if the voyage has golden of any animal do it, as golden animals for that specific voyage sell for 1.5k+ and there are maps all over the internet with every animals spawn location, i can make roughly 3k in 15 minutes if i get a quest that has 1 golden and a few black animals, as those are the highest selling. So 3k every 15 minutes multiply that 4 times for an hour and you've got 15k per hour.

    Sorry but 3k multiplied by four would net you 12k per hour, not 15.
    Whilst still good money, it takes about ten minutes for two players to do a fort worth 10 - 15k.

  • Merchant voyages. Maybe not fun but very fast voyages. A gold animal will get between 1000-1900 gold each. Havent come across anything else in the game that gets you that

  • @norloc The problem with merchants is that you must deliver at the given outpost. Last night I was playing with a first-timer and we tried so many times to go to the required outposts only to find another vessel already there which insisted on chasing us.
    The contracts shouldn't just be between paired outposts.

  • @HaxxorSauruz

    I'm level 45+ with each faction, and i'm telling you. It's worth it. I get Captain's and Villainous 50% of the time, if not more. Most of the time, islands yield 3-5 chests and 2-4 skeleton Captains, even the small islands. Not to mention i actually frequently get Trogs and Sorrows now.

    Castaway's and Seafarer's has become as rare as Trogs and Sorrows. I've played since the last Closed Beta and Stress Tests and they did improve the drop rate on certain things since then, thats for sure.

  • @admiral-rrrsole

    Yea, ive run into that issue constantly, but each voyage has a plus minus.

    Hoarder - fun, lots of maps and can trade at any outpost, but you dont know what you are getting, could be a pile of castaways and seafarerers

    Bounty - again fun, might get multiple skulls you can trade anywhere, but the time and difficulty can be on the extreme

    Merchant - very fasy, big payouts (and you know what you are getting from the start), but higher liklihood of running into a ship since there is only one place you can go

    This has been my experience anyway

  • @norloc I'd say that you're spot on with that analysis.

  • @haxxorsauruz

    That’s all wrong, completely.

    A voyage for me might cost 200, but at lvl 45 an 8 chest voyage isn’t that hard to drop.

    So I spend 400 gold to make 3k.

    Plus I find captains more reliably the higher I’ve gone.

  • @haxxorsauruz

    I dunno I’ve got plenty of clips me sinking sloops and galleons without ever boarding them guess we just have different experiences

  • @haxxorsauruz

    When you get a 15 skull voyage and 7 villainous out of one level 10 voyage you let me know

  • @haxxorsauruz sagte in Fast, easy gold.:

    We are not having TROUBLE in pvp, we just find it extremly poorly designed considering its a NAVAL combat game, which requires Call of Duty gameplay to win.

    who said it was a naval combat game? i mean its part of it but its not the only part.

  • Pvp is a great mix of both skill and luck, whoever is quick enough, and smart enough can sink the other ship first, however you can use skill to get into a position were you can take shots, and repair. Also leveling up your reputation is helpful because you get more chests, and better chances for better chests, for only an extra 20g

  • @tatochipz4
    Thread Necromancer

  • Since the anniversary update, I make between 4-5 thousand gold per session in the arena on average. Sometimes more.

  • What about you just trade your doubloons in for gold, its like 10,000 gold for 20 doubloons. That's like only 200 doubloons for 100,000 gold.

  • @johnnyrebel4201 sagte in Fast, easy gold.:

    What about you just trade your doubloons in for gold, its like 10,000 gold for 20 doubloons. That's like only 200 doubloons for 100,000 gold.

    Or 2000 doubloons for 1 million gold...

  • @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    The higher "rank" chests is not true, as someone has tested this. True, they give you MORE chests, but the voyages also costs you alot of gold as you upgrade, meaning you start to earn less if you are unlucky. Plus they take ALOT longer to finish, and start to become longer journeys aswell. Level 5 and 10 quests are usually the islands nearby, level 15+ starts sending you 2-3 islands away, and thats 10 minutes of sailing AND a chance to get really unlucky.


    Pirate Legend Kafele hear, and the Rank 50 Voyages only cost 200 Gold and I get at least a Disgraced/Seafarer's out of them, even from the pitiful one-spot, one-map RNGs.

    Rank 35 costs 160 Gold per or something of the sort and I never once lost gold from a turn-in. Nor even broke even - it was always a profit.

    Also, I have a feeling this thread shall soon be locked.

  • Get a competent crew together, spend an hour or so stocking the ship with supplies. Then get every light color and 4-6 ritual skulls and do the FOTD as many times in a row as you can. Then repeat. You’ll have to fight off the occasional incoming crew looking to steal it, but for the most part you can stack them a few times if you get it completed quickly.

    My crew and I just came off a 6-7 hour session where we did the FOTD 12 times and made over 1 million gold.

  • It’s honestly kind of hilarious reading posts like “This will only last about 2-3 months” when it’s 2 years later, and the game is more popular than ever.

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