HI - why can’t I post though?

  • Also thought I’d say my first impressions below

    I bought this game and it arrived yesterday, I was a little annoyed at first having to install a 9gb update on Xbox and then spending about an hour trying to login to the server

    But when I did get in it was great, I played solo on a sloop I didn’t see another ship at all, which I guess is a good thing as I wanted to learn how to play and the seas shouldn’t be too crowded in any case

    I have seen a whole raft of discussion on PvP but worse case you loose a treasure chest and basically resplendent soooo I don’t see the issue, hiding my ship while landing and switching the lights off at night will be my tactics to remain distant from PvP until I feel confident enough with it - overall I loved the experience of gameplay I hope it do t get repetitive though

    One thing that’s getting to me currently is the gold rewards as a casual player it’s going to take months just to buy a belt I hope these get higher gold rewards as missions progress anyone know? Because 75 gold per chest is stupid

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  • once you get more rep you can buy better missions and the chests and such bring larger and larger amounts of gold.

  • GOOD to know as long as I’m not going to have to do 50 missions for one belt!

  • @kenneth-mcgrew

    Ahoy matey
    Welcome to SoT
    If you be looking for a crew consider sailing with us. We are a friendly and adventurous grp looking to sail the high seas. Please come on by and check us out.


  • Ahar thanks

    I have tried joining a galleon ship and they just locked me in the brig for 20 minutes before attacking another ship and loosing disasterously

    Then I joined a sloop and that guy/girl was hell bent on killing anything that moved

    One redeeming factor was when I played on my own ship again and saw another sloop near an island I approached with caution but not shots were fired and we just sailed about and before going our separate ways ^^ kinda game me hope the seas aren’t full of trigger happy morons

    I do with the game matchmaking had some options on what your crew intentions were in the game

    I.e mission focused and non hostile unless provoked

    Or option two - death to everything

    At least this would stop you keep leaving the game when your matched with troll pirate ships out to cause pain for others

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