Precision Docking Procedure

  • Hello to all my fellow new (or at least new-ish) pirates out there, and a hearty Yarr to ya me maties! I've been practicing a fairly simple set of skills to dock relatively quickly and easily even as a solo sailor, and I thought I'd share my results in case others would like to give the method a try.

    The first real "trick" here is that you can grab your anchor while it's still falling to the sea floor. When you do this, it stops more or less instantly, so if you remember how far the capstan turns before actually stopping the ship (I don't know for a galleon, but for a sloops it seems to always be one full 360 degree rotation) and stop it right before it grabs the bottom you can then release when your ship is exactly where you want it to be and stop almost instantly. As a solo pirate, it may help to raise your sails partway up during your final approach, giving you a bit more time to aim your ship right where you want it. The idea is to have the very front tip sort of dangling over the dock, so you can run from the prow to the dock and back without having to swim at all. Now you may be thinking, "but how do I get back out of there? as soon as I drop my sails I'll ram right into the dock." The "trick" now is to leave all your sails all the way up, turn your wheel all the way to one side, and raise your anchor. This way your ship should almost turn in place. Pick which direction has an easier path away from the dock, turn that way, and when your ship is parallel to the dock drop your sails and get underway.

    I hope at least one or two new players find some helpful information in here. Cheers and thanks for reading!

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  • @deusnecrotis Never though about holding the anchor, interested. I usually lift front two sails on a galleon whenever we enter the island (indicated by the title appearing) and then lift rear sail once I'm close and just coast in. On a sloop I lift to half mast then all the way up once I'm near. I dislike dropping anchor for reasons.

  • @rooby-dooby-dew Thanks for the reply! Glad there was something new for you to try out :D and yeah, I think I may know one or two of the "reasons" for not liking dropping the anchor ;)

  • @deusnecrotis usually I lift the 2 front sails and leave a tiny bit of the backsail so I still drift.When I’m a couple feet front the dock I fold the back sail fully. That way it stops drifting right at the dock. If the drift is too strong, I might anchor while passing the dock.

  • @dark-shadow9056 I honestly never thought of just letting the ship drift to a stop, I kind of assumed since you can start moving from a standstill with no sails that meant you could never fully stop without the anchor... learn something new every day I suppose. Thanks!

  • @deusnecrotis Wheel has to be straight as well, or the ship will spin in place. I always avoid the anchor when possible & is it me or did the galleon anchor seem a bit heavier during the last scale test?

  • @cebelicus said in Precision Docking Procedure:

    @deusnecrotis Wheel has to be straight as well, or the ship will spin in place. I always avoid the anchor when possible & is it me or did the galleon anchor seem a bit heavier during the last scale test?

    Yeah, thanks for that, totally forgot to mention keeping the wheel straight. Also, don't know about the galleon anchor, have not spent very much time sailing those. Thanks again!

  • @deusnecrotis no problem:)

    Actually, if you only lift anchor without sails, you won’t move.

  • @dark-shadow9056 said in Precision Docking Procedure:

    Actually, if you only lift anchor without sails, you won’t move.

    Really? I could have sworn I was drifting slowly when I did that, not just turning... see, this is why I come here, so much to learn! Thanks again!

  • @deusnecrotis one of the sails was not fully lifted. It's happened to me.

  • @cebelicus said in Precision Docking Procedure:

    @deusnecrotis Wheel has to be straight as well, or the ship will spin in place. I always avoid the anchor when possible & is it me or did the galleon anchor seem a bit heavier during the last scale test?

    I thought that about the anchor too

  • @cebelicus aaah, yeah, that makes total sense... I am often kind of hurriedly skipping from one task to the next when I sail, exactly the kind of situation where I might leave the last bit of sail open. Thanks again... agian? ;)

  • I used to do the whole "docking" routine.

    Nowadays K7 Precision Docking Procedure = Sail full tilt with the wind.... Attempt to shove my ship down the throat of the Gold Hoarder NPC.

    Edit: Forgot this:

  • @k7-issues said in Precision Docking Procedure:

    I used to do the whole "docking" routine.

    Nowadays K7 Precision Docking Procedure = Sail full tilt with the wind.... Attempt to shove my ship down the throat of the Gold Hoarder NPC.

    lol that sounds like a very SoT-appropriate method hahah

  • If all your sails are up and you raise your anchor you wont move but can turn on a spot. Makes a big difference in cannon fights as well. (key word sails must be raised.)

    My crew well seasons no longer uses the anchor to dock or turn. Its all sails once you understand the mechanics of them. We tested turning with different variants of the sails up and down.

    Only time we use anchor is tor run people of the map or if we are about to crash. I can drift a ship in so the walking plank is right over the dock with out even touching it. With all sails up you drift about a boat length and a half. Depending on your speed from the wind. We never touch anchor so we are always ready to take off if trouble arises.

  • Just for the record, nobody docks in this game. It's not an actual option.

    You can either anchor, slowly drift, or go dead in the water. Or go Boom with the gunpowder.

  • @canadianmuscle3 said in Precision Docking Procedure:

    If all your sails are up and you raise your anchor you wont move but can turn on a spot. Makes a big difference in cannon fights as well. (key word sails must be raised.)

    My crew well seasons no longer uses the anchor to dock or turn. Its all sails once you understand the mechanics of them. We tested turning with different variants of the sails up and down.

    Only time we use anchor is tor run people of the map or if we are about to crash. I can drift a ship in so the walking plank is right over the dock with out even touching it. With all sails up you drift about a boat length and a half. Depending on your speed from the wind. We never touch anchor so we are always ready to take off if trouble arises.

    Yeah I'm really just learning how to use sail length to control the speed and radius of a turn... I'm glad I decided to make this thread, I really appreciate all the helpful info me hearties!

  • The Galleons back in the days never docked... They had a boat on board. The Sloop in the other hand, is slightly easyer to manover, but still, hard to dock.

    Ofcourse in-game aspects, if you're very good at manouvering, maybe you can get it right. I'm a Sailor myself, I could only do it 2 or 3 times, in 20 or 30 attempts.

    But, as they always say "Practice makes perfection", and its all about timing.

    CodeName1337 (Rúben Gomes)
    [TOP] The Order of Pirates

  • @deusnecrotis The in-game mechanic for dropping the anchor actually stabilises the ship, locking it to that position. If you then raise the sails and raise the anchor again, you will be able to pivot the ship on the spot without drifting from it (unless in a storm).

    When in a sloop, it's best to do this and then position the ship and sail angle (to catch the wind) for a quick getaway before visiting an island. That way, if you're taken by surprise all you need to do is get aboard and drop the sails for the ship to speed away.

  • @foxdodge Yep, there's another aspect I hadn't yet considered... how a storm would affect things. Very good point there, thanks!

  • In the galleon there is a nice manouver you can make with the front Sail.

    If the wind is in one of the boards SB or PB, you can always turn the ship with only the front sail down, without having to touch the wheel, ofc, if you do to touch the wheel to the board the wind is blowing, you will see your ship turning way faster.

    Its a good manouver to get out of tight positions, without ramming into anything in front of you.

    CodeName1337 (Rúben Gomes)
    [TOP] The Order of Pirates

  • @codename1337 Ah, yes, thank you! I've been wondering which of the three masts would be best to use by itself for low speed turns. I will have to pass this info along to my streamer buddy with whom I do all of my team play so far.

  • So I've made a guide about better sailing!

    Check it out!

    Sailing Post!

    Flat Sea and Good Winds on March 20th!

    CodeName1337 (Rúben Gomes)
    [TOP] The Order of Pirates

  • I never use my anchor, I really like using my sails to manage my speed or my turn when playing solo.

    On a 4 man crew I use to play on random so it depend of the crew I will join, I will try to tell them how I like to sail, or I will leave after a complete voyage it depend ... I don’t like swimming so much

  • Great tips, thanks for sharing 😀

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