Some questions for clarification (soon-to-be new player).

  • Hello everyone,

    only recently I've discovered SoT and so I've been browsing around the forums, watching some videos and thus a few things came up that I wonder about.

    What caught my attention first were the forum badges - whatever the game, I intend on collecting all the possible collectibles and as much of them as I can. That's where hails my first question from; what are all the badges I've missed and are there any more I can receive (for example before the release)? I've signed up for the Insider Program and wonder if there is any other one I could get.

    Secondly, I intend on pre-ordering SoT as soon as I will be able to (in 9 business days due to credit card processing) and I remember seeing an option to already redeem a code which includes the pre-order bonuses, like the Black Dog Pack. Therefore I wonder, I have not missed that opportunity, have I? The Black Dog Pack is still available for me or anyone as long as SoT is pre-ordered before the release at the end of next month?

    Lastly, in regards of the upcoming pre-release beta - do we have any approximate date? Say, weekend prior to release or anything along those lines. I would not want to miss it and as I know myself, I would happen to be preoccupied at the time and forget to check my mail.

    That's all I wanted to know, it's only a matter of time untill I buy Sea of Thieves and I really can't wait.
    Thank you for reading and trying to answer these questions, I'm most grateful

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  • @reinborn Hi there welcome aboard.

    The Badges:

    Insider [circle with a cross through it] = Everyone that has joined the Forum and signed up as an insider.

    Founder [skull with a cool design around it]= Everyone that had joined the Forum pre Dec 1st 2017, and got to test in the final closed Alpha in December (previous insiders).

    Edit thank you to @canadianmuscle3
    Pioneer [a compass design] =A small group of dedicated people that were hand picked by Rare from the Technical Alpha to test features.

    Deckhand [ a hand symbol ] = These are forum moderators, (both here, xbox community etc.) members of the community not Rare employees that keep everything ship shape and tidy, and in good order around these parts.

    Rare employee [ Rare logo] = Exactly that, they are part of the amazing studio of Rare.

    Global Moderator [ Skull and crossbones ] = Again, what it says, Rare staff that also moderate the forum, with the help of the deckhands.

    With regards to pre-order, the Black dog is still available, if you are ordering through MS Store, when you are able to, just double check, but as far as I can see, it is still available with pre-order.

    As for another open / closed beta, nothing has been confirmed for certain yet, so no dates available.

    See you on the Seas !

    Edit: I might not be perfect with the badges, but I'm sure a deckhand can adjust if I'm not.

  • Ahoy @reinborn and welcome to the Sea of Thieves beach!

    J4dio has summed up pretty well the explanation of the badges.
    If you want references, here you have the forum groups:

    As for another beta, we know there will be another before the launch, but we do not know any date.

    Will there be another Beta?

    We do plan on running another beta closer to the launch of the game, where players will get a taste of the wider Sea of Thieves experience, but for now our focus is on our scale testing plans. We will have more to share on that as we get closer to launch.

    It is also possible that there are some more Scale Tests:

    I hope the seas are propitious for you!

  • @El-Espectro-0, @J4dio

    Thank you guys for the clarification, especially on the forum badges. Much appreciated.

  • @j4dio I prefer to word pioneer like this. As I think it better fits what we do and how we became pioneers.

    Pioneer [a compass design] =A small group of dedicated people that were hand picked by Rare from the Technical Alpha to test features.

  • @canadianmuscle3 noted and changed :)

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