Mouse Lock

  • Trying out the closed beta right now. The game runs fine, the only issue is that while using two monitors my cursor does not lock inside of the game window. This makes it very annoying when trying to use something and I click out of my game, or sometimes even click on the exit button at the top of the window.

    Does anybody have a fix? If not, I'd love to see the devs implement a mouse lock so I can stop clicking outside my game window!

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  • Are you in windowed full-screen or regular full-screen mode?

  • Wasn't able to try again last week as the Scale Test was over for the weekend. This weekend, still the same issue with the lack of mouse lock. I tried in all available screen modes. Windowed, full-screen (through both video menu and Alt+Enter), and dragging the window to the top of my screen to snap it to a mostly full-screen mode. None of these methods worked in locking my mouse in the window. This has caused me many deaths against skeletons, players, and has also aided in crashing my ship several times.

  • @bpingry Ahoy there have you taken a look at the following guide? This seems to fix it for most people.

  • @musicmee Yep, just found that too, thanks! It did the trick and fixed my issue, as well as seems to have slightly improved performance compared to before changing it somehow!

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