What if this happened when you sailed off the map?

  • https://i.ytimg.com/vi/2jbGulSyafY/maxresdefault.jpg

    It'd definitely be thematic

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  • @djm-xr07 Actually really want this to be in the game xD

  • @djm-xr07 oh my days I’d love to see that it be so funny 😂a play on history or to keep flat earth believers happy 🤣🤣🤣😂😂

  • @djm-xr07 Personally I want the kraken to eat your ship if you don't turn around after say 5 minutes. Just leap up and nom the thing!

    I want an achievement too, "Hello Beastie"

  • @cayden-black You should post this in its individual post, it deserved more attention.

  • @matt-micheal It's been mentioned before but I just wish it was implemented. Even if it was different sea monsters. Such as the south border is Kraken, North is Mega Shark etc.

  • @cayden-black that would be neat. personally i'm hoping to be able to encounter random sea monsters while sailing around the playable areas though. that would be very cool!

  • @djm-xr07 said in What if this happened when you sailed off the map?:

    @cayden-black that would be neat. personally i'm hoping to be able to encounter random sea monsters while sailing around the playable areas though. that would be very cool!

    I already freaked out being in the middle of a storm, don't want to know what I will experience when being chased by some gruesome and huge monster xD I LOVE IT!!! :D

  • would love to see something different on each side of the map

  • personally I wish they made the map a globe so you could sail all the way around it. but seeing as that won't happen, I'd like to see different sea monsters taking you down.

  • MosT of you aren't far off from what happens at the edge. If you haven't been there, it's quite a surprise. I really like how it is now, but sea monsters would make more sense than your ship taking random damage. It was by far the scariest part of the game for me.

  • I enjoy what already happens when you sail off the map. It's a great time.

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