Quicker selection of Canonball and Food Types on controller

  • When using a controller, if I want to select a particular food item or canon ammo type I have to open the radial menu, select food/canonballs and then release the bumper (which gives me the default item for that group) then open the radial menu a second time to give the the prompt (B on Xbox) to go into the different types of that item.

    Since the selection on the radial wheel is sticky for a couple of seconds, could we get the prompt to open the category when we select food/canonballs on the first time of opening the radial menu, while the selection is sticky?

    So, the process would be:
    Hold Left Bumper to open radial menu
    Highlight food/canonballs with right stick which causes the group selection prompt to show in the list.
    Release the right stick
    Press B to select the group while the selection in the radial is still 'sticky'
    Select subgroup item with the right stick
    Release left bumper to close radial menu

    This would allow quicker access to specific items, which is important in battle (especially against keyboard players)

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  • That alot of holding buttons, selecting, choosing and picking. Just to eat something to heal...or fire a cannonball

    This would allow quicker access to specific items

    OR...just have a full stock of nothing but cooked meat before hand. Dont grab random stuff before a fight if your picky. But a picky eater is faster too kill so...by all means.

    Maybe already have the ammo I plan to shoot before hand. Planning to shoot a curse ball before blasting fireballs

  • I'm going to reveal an ancient controller secret.

    Food: Set Food to Click Right Stick in Settings. Use it fast in combat to become unkillable with good food. (Keep clicking to cycle more food, cycle to the best food before boarding, it saves)

    Cannons: Hop on the Cannon and press LB

    BONUS: Set throwables to RB.

    BONUS BONUS: Set Quests in Settings to B instead of A. This let's you jump while holding LB.

  • @jimster71 I have food as up on dpad (left is bucket right is throwable). Then cannonball is set to right stick. This isn't necessary but at higher level pvp when opponent is consistently hitting cannon line it means you can hold cannonball out using left trigger to be able to load from a bit further away means you can also move left and right a bit to avoid snipes while loading. Lastly you can also reload weapon whilst loading.

    Edit to add if you have control over it you generally want mangoes as minimum.

  • @vaughnsilver said in Quicker selection of Canonball and Food Types on controller:

    I'm going to reveal an ancient controller secret.

    Food: Set Food to Click Right Stick in Settings. Use it fast in combat to become unkillable with good food. (Keep clicking to cycle more food, cycle to the best food before boarding, it saves)

    Cannons: Hop on the Cannon and press LB

    BONUS: Set throwables to RB.

    BONUS BONUS: Set Quests in Settings to B instead of A. This let's you jump while holding LB.

    This food setting is great for controller users. I use it over setting food to something like the d-pad. That way, in the middle of a CQC encounter, you can access and cycle your food without moving your thumbs off the thumbsticks........which means you don't sacrifice any movement when fighting another pirate.

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