How does crossplay work? Can I as a PC player encounter an Xbox crew on the seas or in HG?

  • Title basically sums it up. Thanks in advance!

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  • @sebto00

    Xbox players might have kb/m controls.
    Xbox can opt into console/controller preferred, which will try to match them together but not a guarantee. Due to HG's lower population, it's more likely they'll run into you still

  • @pithyrumble Do you know if kb/m is required for an xbox player to match with me on HG? I have a friend on xbox and we wanted to tdm using HG.

  • @sebto00
    Not needed.
    If the console player hasn't turned on c/c preferred, it will be easier for you two to end up together.

    It defaults to off.

  • @pithyrumble Thank you so much:)

  • @sebto00 if crossplay is enabled through settings they get matched with pc players if they're using kb/m or controller

    I do hourglass against pc players while using a controller as controller only isn't very active in my servers

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