XBOX Keyboard and Mouse STILL not working after the new update

  • Does anyone know what’s going on? My keyboard is messing up, and my mouse is stuttering and will not let me look around at 360 degrees. It caps at 180. Keyboard and mouse is the only way I usually play because controllers hurt my hands, and I cannot afford a gaming laptop or PC.

    Does anyone know if they’re working on this issue?

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  • @spookyscaryval according to the forums it’s announced that they know of the issue and are working on finding a fix. That being said that was 3 days before this recent hot patch and they didn’t even touch it. Absolutely outrageous in my opinion considering the community weekend that half of Xbox users aren’t going to be able to participate in. But without any other notion that they will fix this anytime soon then we have to just be hopeful that they repair it in the next hot fix.

  • @snazzyfirefly

    So how new is this? mouse used to work fine in this game before on xbox series?

  • @freqxbox had 0 issues with MNK Support until they updated Monday and made everyone reinstall the game with an 88gb update that ruined the game.

  • @freqxbox mouse and keyboard mechanics were fine up until the Monday update. Recent hot fix from Friday morning did not repair any of these issues. We are going into community weekend without the ability to use keyboard mouse.

  • @snazzyfirefly I’m having the same issues, very frustrating especially due to the fact it’s a community weekend.

  • I would give it some time. As annoying as it is even for me, I am just waiting patiently for it to be fixed. I know it sucks though, a lot

  • They’re trying hard to get me attached to skull and bones more and more

  • Yes is huge bugs with vision and movements! please fix it because gamepad play is not my cup of tea!

  • It's been 3 weeks since the bug came out and no fixes have been made, I'm just uninstalling at this point. [Mod edit for being rude]

  • @i-slxshie-i Ahoy matey!

    This has been confirmed as being fixed in the March 14th update coming next week.

    I have modified your post above as we do not tolerate that kind of language towards the developers, the community or anyone that comes into these spaces.

  • @musicmee doooon't caaaaare womp womp.

  • @i-slxshie-i Ok :) Have a good day!

  • @i-slxshie-i

    It's been 3 weeks

    Should try playing DCS world, we've been waiting 15 years for some of the bugs to be fixed. They'll fix it.

  • @a10dr4651 I'm good bud.

  • For me 14 march 2024 its still not working. My mouse finally works and i can look 360 around but my keyboard is working in xbox but in the game (sea of thieves) its not working while my mouse does. (in menu's my keyboard also not working)

  • I personally play on xbox series x.

  • @darklord7393
    Same here 👍

  • @i-slxshie-i I actually didn't delete it...

    I'm sat here eating hash browns and just logged in :)

  • @i-slxshie-i Nope. Still wasn't me :)

    But I can share this with you...

    UPDATE: The issue is persisting and is still being investigated.

    Updated today - so the team are aware the fix didn't stick.

  • @i-slxshie-i Your posts have been removed as they go against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.


    Be courteous. Don’t insult players you don’t know. If humour is the intent, remember that this can be lost or misinterpreted online, and words can very easily offend. Be mindful of what you’re saying and if someone asks a question, see if you can help them out as you’d appreciate being helped out yourself if the roles were reversed.

    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

    Thank you.

  • @Look-Behind-You how is anything I am saying being misinterpreted? Your game has been unplayable for a month. Stop abusing powers because of criticism from people who have not been able to play for almost 4 weeks.

  • @i-slxshie-i You can criticize all you like. And that is fair game. Attacking mods and community members here will not be tolerated.

    That fair?

    If you have a complaint or facing a bug in the game the best port of call is the support site here:
    Contact Support

  • @musicmee But lying to the community about confirmed fixes is tolerable?

  • @i-slxshie-i There was a fix due, it failed when launched into retail... there is no lie.

    Like if I told you there's rain due tomorrow and it doesn't come... is that a lie?
    You can only base your information on what you belive to be true. And it was looking promising. It was even announced ina recent developer update video that this was due to be fixed.

    Sometimes things fall through...

  • @musicmee "This has been confirmed as being fixed in the March 14th update coming next week."

    Y'know what? USMC don't pay me enough to play broken games, I'm off to Skull and Bones. Have a good one

  • @i-slxshie-i You too! Enjoy Skull and Bones it is a good pirate game... Go get that king pin status!

  • @musicmee Very well-handled interaction throughout this thread. Takes a lot of patience.
    Thanks for the updates about Keyboard/Mouse for consoles. Too bad it didn’t stick with this patch, but hopefully with the smaller update size for patches, it could be pushed out when fixed instead of with the next larger patch.

  • @mathemattical Thanks matey! It's sad because I know the team are just as annoyed as we are. It will get fixed... just a matter of time. Hopefully, there's good news around the corner soon.

    Thanks for the understanding but sorry you've been hit by this issue.

  • the keyboard works sometimes, and other times it doesn't work.. but i was able to play for a couple hours today. I can turn around with the mouse, i hope it stays that way.

  • I’ve been having the same problem, I loaded into a game for the first time in a bit because I was using game share and you couldn’t play if you had game share because it would keep giving you the error message lazy beard, and I hopped in and Picked up my mouse and keyboard, but it wouldn’t work. I could aim and shoot and switch weapons, but I could not walk forward. I couldn’t swipe my mouse Or anything like that I went out to check if I had controller player settings on or whatever and I didn’t so I don’t know what the problem is? It might have something to do with this new update though.

  • I came back to SOT just about 3 weeks ago after being away from it for a couple years.The first day I played I tried to use kbm while playing with my friend,we both realized it wasn’t working so we played for a couple of days on controller.We decided to wait a couple days until the bug was fixed then we would play again,but that was at the beginning of the month.The problem before was that I couldn’t 360 fully on the mouse,but after the update the mouse works fine but now the keyboard won’t work or connect.Im not trying to sound rude at all I’m just genuinely curious.How if you had it 3 years ago it doesn’t work now?

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