Calling all Shellbacks!

  • Greetings to all Children of King Neptune!
    I just thought it would be interesting to see how many other Shellbacks are on here. If there's a lot it would be pretty awesome of Rare to make a cosmetic for us of some kind.
    What cosmetic would you use in game?

    I crossed in May '09 on CVN-74.

  • 14
  • @furykn16ht

    What's a Shellback?

  • @devtryak said in Calling all Shellbacks!:


    What's a Shellback?

    Yeah I'm wondering the same thing

  • @slimmmmcity


  • @devtryak said in Calling all Shellbacks!:



    Oh I think I know what you mean 🤔🤗

    My guess is that it's the same thing as the Red Coats from the Revolutionary war??? Meaning British, Am I right?

  • @slimmmmcity

    Oh ok. If that's the case, I'm American

  • Na, it's a sailing term. A shellback is someone who crossed the equator onboard a ship and completed the line crossing ceremony.

  • @slimmmmcity forgot to tag you guys in my reply.

  • @furykn16ht

    Oh. I mean, I've gone across the entire border of the map, not including the Shores of Gold part of the map, but I haven't done that

  • @furykn16ht

    Oh ok now I see, I was way off 😂.

  • @devtryak said in Calling all Shellbacks!:


    Oh. I mean, I've gone across the entire border of the map, not including the Shores of Gold part of the map, but I haven't done that.

    The first time I stumbled into the edge of the map I didn't know what way going on 😂😂

  • Spotted a Shellback guild while doing a fortune fleet a day ago.

    Made me think about this thread, if it wasn't you or your friends there is someone out there representing.

  • @slimmmmcity

    Yeah the first time I went into the Red Sea was when my mic wasn't working in the beginning cuz of some parental settings, and I was locked in the brig and the crew just sent the ship into the Red Sea.

    But I went around the edge of the map in a funeral sail to honor my great uncle

  • @wolfmanbush that's cool, I'll have to try and find them. Because it wasn't me.

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