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  • Davy Jones (Disney PotC) is a weak sauce illithid with no powers.

    Also Nautiloid ship set.

    Kraken is an illithid.

  • 9
  • @pithyrumble

    I have no idea what you just said

  • @devtryak

    She played a bit too much Baldur's Gate 3 ... Belgians can have strange effects on Pirates.

  • @pithyrumble Everything ok? 👀

    Anyone remember the Animal Crossing phase during lockdown?

  • @clumsy-george

    Yeah I've never seen anything from that game, so that explains my confusion

  • @devtryak said in Off topic...:


    Yeah I've never seen anything from that game, so that explains my confusion

    Yeah, I play D&D lol

    @Musicmee I'm afraid to go back to my (Animal Crossing) island. They've probably gone Lord of the Flies over there 😱

  • I Agree

  • And who eats bananas from the bottom up like monkeys do?
    i do, thats who!

  • @li-jratt-li sagte in Off topic...:

    And who eats bananas from the bottom up like monkeys do?
    i do, thats who!

    Depends on where the bottom is for that stick-piece an opener for the banana or is it a handle to hold it better...for me it's the second

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