So basically this game is just cosmetics... but...

  • OK so the game is 100% cosmetics. You play and earn for cosmetics.

    The problem with that is you won't be looking at your spiffed up pirate because it's first person perspective. That's the issues I'm having right now.

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  • Emote or sit and do 3rd person view. I’d rather be 1st person than watch them from behind all the time. I just emote when I want to look at myself. Similar to using a mirror irl.

  • @seawind222

    3rd person would be fun.
    I don't want to stare at my Pirate's aft all day either lol.

    Emote! Plus there's usually a free one each emporium update.

  • I said the same thing when people complain about the “look of there pirate” during the creation screen.

  • I wouldn't say 100% cosmetics as there are the tall tales and stuff that have a story behind them. I also agree with abjectarity, first person seems more enjoyable then looking in third person. As well if there was a third person option (besides emotes) running around the ship might make the camera angle weird.

  • Its a game based entirely around cosmetics, yet after dumping tons of gold into my ships cosmetics and then paying gold to "save" them, I still load into the island every single time with default ship cosmetics

    Its infuriating, I just spent like $350,000 gold the other night buying trinkets, etc to decorate my ship and it was a total waste of time/money

  • It is what it is

  • A lot of games with cosmetics tend to have a first person perspective. Usually cosmetics are to show off to others in games more than to look at your self, you just choose something that looks how you want to show your self off.

  • @seawind222 Yep, this is exactly why I refuse to buy or wear clothes. I'm locked in this damn first person perspective so I never get the full benefit of seeing them, so I just freeball my way through life. Apart from gloves, obviously.

  • @seawind222 said in So basically this game is just cosmetics... but...:

    OK so the game is 100% cosmetics. You play and earn for cosmetics.

    The problem with that is you won't be looking at your spiffed up pirate because it's first person perspective. That's the issues I'm having right now.

    Same issue I'm encountering irl to be honest. Like, I dress up all nice and deck out in some super rare cosmetics from the 1970s but 98% of the time I won't be looking at myself cos of this infernal forced first person perspective!

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