My Ship Sunk and Drowning Noises Heard

  • Yesterday I was on an island digging for treasure, my ship moored just off the coast. Before I left the ship I climbed the mast and saw no other ships around. When I returned to my ship some 5 minutes later all seemed to be well, though I did not go below decks. I again climbed the mast and saw no ships in sight.

    I set sail and once on course went below decks to see my lower deck almost filled with water. I couldn’t see any leaks. But I did hear what sounded like somebody drowning (not me). I even heard the drowning noise when I was at the wheel. In fact that’s what caused me to go down below and investigate.

    I could not see anybody down there, and when I checked the seas around me I saw no mermaid indicating somebody might be away from their ship and onboard mine.

    Can anybody shed any light on what happened? If somebody did sneak onboard how did they start a leak without using any explosions?

    Thank you

    PS: if somebody did sneak onboard and cause the sinking of my ship, then that’s fair enough. I should have been more observant.

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  • @pumpa-cat

    Someone could have filled it using buckets.

  • @pumpa-cat If someone gets on your ship, their mermaid will disappear.

    It's possible that there was a small leak that you missed (some of them can be hard to find). It would take an insanely long time to sink your ship with just buckets but I guess since you heard someone drowning that's a possibility even though it's the least efficient one and they would have been better off to ram you into a rock and wait.

  • @pumpa-cat I think you might be describing a chest of sorrow being on your ship. The chest periodically cries and fills your ship with water.

  • @hawkeye99 said in My Ship Sunk and Drowning Noises Heard:

    @pumpa-cat I think you might be describing a chest of sorrow being on your ship. The chest periodically cries and fills your ship with water.

    Cool. I was collecting buried chests at the time, though I do not recall one of them being called such.

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