Don't kill people just because you can

  • Some advice for new players, just because you see a ship doesn't mean you have to sink it. In my experience I only attack ships carrying loot and ships attacking me.

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  • @pvzfan1012642 lol

  • Imo the most important thing in this game when it comes to combat in a scenario involving someone with less experience and/or interest in fighting is to respect what they offer to the environment. Without them the game becomes what it has become, more often empty servers than not. Lots of content without people to consistently participate in it.

    People get to kill pirates they want to kill, sink boats they want to sink, but leave out all the cringe comments, leave out the condescending "I'm going to explain this game to you"

    Make clean kills, move on, let people lick their wounds without adding disrespect to the loss.

    Don't bait new players or non-fighters, don't add negativity to the situation or escalate it. Complete the objective and leave them alone to handle their loss.

    Chest puffing and pounding in a largely non-competitive environment with different interests and a wide skill gap is far more the issue than winning and losing and sinking/not sinking. Add on how many server performance issues people face during combat and it makes even less sense.


  • @wolfmanbush and I completely agree with that too

  • I would advice to use every chance to attack a player, that's how you get better. Keep grinding until you start winning.

  • You don't have to...

    But sometimes shenanigans!

  • @pvzfan1012642

    Noob question here: how do you know whether a ship is carrying loot unless you get so close to it that you possibly appear to be aggressive to the other player?

  • @pumpa-cat

    You don't. That's the typical "reason". Sink whoever you want however and whenever you want.

    You don't have to. You can.

  • @pumpa-cat by sailing close enough to check for loot, is a clear indication you are "looking for trouble" to reference Munchkins. No judgment, I have just awful when I last sank an oblivious sloop parked at an island. Last thing I heard before they scuttled and quit was a woman saying, ahhhhh, and some guy saying, Annandale there's the guy who's gong to kill and sink us. 🤕 They were definitely new to the seas and I had become the monster. I tried to save their loot and asked them to come back for it, but responded they had already quit the game.

    I dont want this. I don't want to discourage my (potential) friends from playing. From that point on I was changed..

    I am more ambassador for the seas now, than a try hard. Personal choice, but I view it like Michael Jordan spending his time at a kids playground dunking all day.

    I've asked a legit good pirate why he doesn't take on larger crews since he was already up in rep and sinks. Said it's too hard... Like, bro, what do you think you are? Easy?

  • @vwvepiphonyvwv

    Yes, I always thought that if I was to approach another ship close enough to see if they had loot, it would be taken as an aggressive play. 👍

  • My Server till established otherwise, sink everyone, take everything and give nothing back...

  • @pumpa-cat said in Don't kill people just because you can:

    Noob question here: how do you know whether a ship is carrying loot unless you get so close to it that you possibly appear to be aggressive to the other player?

    Behavior is a good indicator. Whether they're on their way to an outpost or away from one. If someone is stood on deck just watching you come in without setting sail there's a good chance they've got nothing to risk so stopping to chat might be cool. If they don't react to you swinging in, there's good chance they're on the island and you can probably take a quick check. Certainly you can see if they have an Emissary flag. Also, there are islands, behaviors and locations more typical of adventure and tall tales, and someone sitting at a hunter's call outpost is probably not the mark of awesomeness to sink.

  • @gtothefo said in Don't kill people just because you can:

    @pumpa-cat said in Don't kill people just because you can:

    Noob question here: how do you know whether a ship is carrying loot unless you get so close to it that you possibly appear to be aggressive to the other player?

    Behavior is a good indicator. Whether they're on their way to an outpost or away from one. If someone is stood on deck just watching you come in without setting sail there's a good chance they've got nothing to risk so stopping to chat might be cool. If they don't react to you swinging in, there's good chance they're on the island and you can probably take a quick check. Certainly you can see if they have an Emissary flag. Also, there are islands, behaviors and locations more typical of adventure and tall tales, and someone sitting at a hunter's call outpost is probably not the mark of awesomeness to sink.

    Awesome. Thank you! 👍

  • I would say opposite to new players, if you only fight defensively then you won't improve as quickly and you're more likely to be fighting when you have stuff to lose.

    Attack random ships, bigger ships. Contest world events etc.
    As long as there's nothing personal in it, it's fine and you will improve quicker, it's easier to reign aggression back (as you get better you learn to judge who is new etc and can leave them if you want) than change a relatively passive playstyle.

  • Sea of Thieves... rather Sea of Jerks LOL. I'm new to this game but I was a big online player on Halo 2, 3, and 4 and we all experienced those players... the one's that drove the wrong way, shot their own teammates with the rocket, spawn killed, used the noob combo in such excess it was annoying, took advantage of killing frozen opponents when they were obviously having server issues, and they were nasty and made all sorts of rude comments. What they are are lousy people in real life who reflect their behavior in the game. This is true for Halo and Sea of Thieves.
    My brother and I like to play together and when we run into a ship full of lousy people we just respawn into a new ship and harass the other ship until they get so tired of us that they quit and move on to another server LOL! And serves them right too!
    I've read all the other posts from the people in this thread and I've got to say most of the people in this thread are cool. There's a reason why one guy likes to be lousy to other players and why another guy felt bad for blasting a sloop at port with brand new people who were just learning. People carry their character into the game.

  • @athena-azmadeus said in Don't kill people just because you can:

    Sea of Thieves... rather Sea of Jerks LOL. I'm new to this game but I was a big online player on Halo 2, 3, and 4 and we all experienced those players... the one's that drove the wrong way, shot their own teammates with the rocket, spawn killed, used the noob combo in such excess it was annoying, took advantage of killing frozen opponents when they were obviously having server issues, and they were nasty and made all sorts of rude comments. What they are are lousy people in real life who reflect their behavior in the game. This is true for Halo and Sea of Thieves.
    My brother and I like to play together and when we run into a ship full of lousy people we just respawn into a new ship and harass the other ship until they get so tired of us that they quit and move on to another server LOL! And serves them right too!
    I've read all the other posts from the people in this thread and I've got to say most of the people are cool. There's a reason why one guy likes to be lousy to other players and why another guy felt bad for blasting a sloop at port with brand new people who were just learning. People carry their character into the game.

    They can, if they choose to

    the entire point of escapism is to exercise freedom of imagination and creativity while avoiding the harshness of reality.

    that process is not necessarily a reflection of character when it is within the rules that people are bound to.

    many will be incompatible during this process, there will be preference clashing and difference of opinion on behavior and gameplay but it doesn't make people "bad"

  • @wolfmanbush said in Don't kill people just because you can:

    the entire point of escapism is to exercise freedom of imagination and creativity while avoiding the harshness of reality.

    that process is not necessarily a reflection of character when it is within the rules that people are bound to.

    many will be incompatible during this process, there will be preference clashing and difference of opinion on behavior and gameplay but it doesn't make people "bad"

    There might be elements of truth to that. However in my own limited experience, the examples of "that player" that I've met in person absolutely are that way in real life, too, moderated only by the fact that in the real world people could potentially reach them. I don't really buy the idea that people who focus their gameplay time on being a nuisance are lovely people in their day-to-day lives, and merely 'exercising freedom of imagination' in games. It simply doesn't align with what I've seen with my own face.

  • @eldritchbear said in Don't kill people just because you can:

    @wolfmanbush said in Don't kill people just because you can:

    the entire point of escapism is to exercise freedom of imagination and creativity while avoiding the harshness of reality.

    that process is not necessarily a reflection of character when it is within the rules that people are bound to.

    many will be incompatible during this process, there will be preference clashing and difference of opinion on behavior and gameplay but it doesn't make people "bad"

    There might be elements of truth to that. However in my own limited experience, the examples of "that player" that I've met in person absolutely are that way in real life, too, moderated only by the fact that in the real world people could potentially reach them. I don't really buy the idea that people who focus their gameplay time on being a nuisance are lovely people in their day-to-day lives, and merely 'exercising freedom of imagination' in games. It simply doesn't align with what I've seen with my own face.

    We all annoy someone. Everyone has people that don't like them or don't agree with how they act, whatever it may be. It's a part of sharing an environment with many different types of people

  • But its so much fun......

  • One of the things that I enjoy the most in the game is seeing new players coming to attack me and being sunk in seconds.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Don't kill people just because you can:

    @athena-azmadeus said in Don't kill people just because you can:

    Sea of Thieves... rather Sea of Jerks LOL. I'm new to this game but I was a big online player on Halo 2, 3, and 4 and we all experienced those players... the one's that drove the wrong way, shot their own teammates with the rocket, spawn killed, used the noob combo in such excess it was annoying, took advantage of killing frozen opponents when they were obviously having server issues, and they were nasty and made all sorts of rude comments. What they are are lousy people in real life who reflect their behavior in the game. This is true for Halo and Sea of Thieves.
    My brother and I like to play together and when we run into a ship full of lousy people we just respawn into a new ship and harass the other ship until they get so tired of us that they quit and move on to another server LOL! And serves them right too!
    I've read all the other posts from the people in this thread and I've got to say most of the people are cool. There's a reason why one guy likes to be lousy to other players and why another guy felt bad for blasting a sloop at port with brand new people who were just learning. People carry their character into the game.

    They can, if they choose to

    the entire point of escapism is to exercise freedom of imagination and creativity while avoiding the harshness of reality.

    that process is not necessarily a reflection of character when it is within the rules that people are bound to.

    many will be incompatible during this process, there will be preference clashing and difference of opinion on behavior and gameplay but it doesn't make people "bad"

    Well, if someone is making nasty comments to another person, I don't think that's game play or escapism. That's just a jerk in real life being a jerk in the gaming word. The reason why there is so much toxicity on the internet isn't because nice people in real life suddenly become mean on the internet/in gaming. It's because the online world brings everybody from all backgrounds into the same field. If I was shopping at a tasteful store I would be very surprised if some stranger started being nasty, but if I was in some grimy bar in a crime ridden neighborhood at 2 am, I probably wouldn't be too surprised if someone started being very rude to me.

  • @eldritchbear said in Don't kill people just because you can:

    @wolfmanbush said in Don't kill people just because you can:

    the entire point of escapism is to exercise freedom of imagination and creativity while avoiding the harshness of reality.

    that process is not necessarily a reflection of character when it is within the rules that people are bound to.

    many will be incompatible during this process, there will be preference clashing and difference of opinion on behavior and gameplay but it doesn't make people "bad"

    There might be elements of truth to that. However in my own limited experience, the examples of "that player" that I've met in person absolutely are that way in real life, too, moderated only by the fact that in the real world people could potentially reach them. I don't really buy the idea that people who focus their gameplay time on being a nuisance are lovely people in their day-to-day lives, and merely 'exercising freedom of imagination' in games. It simply doesn't align with what I've seen with my own face.


  • @athena-azmadeus said in Don't kill people just because you can:

    Well, if someone is making nasty comments to another person, I don't think that's game play or escapism. That's just a jerk in real life being a jerk in the gaming word. The reason why there is so much toxicity on the internet isn't because nice people in real life suddenly become mean on the internet/in gaming. It's because the online world brings everybody from all backgrounds into the same field. If I was shopping at a tasteful store I would be very surprised if some stranger started being nasty, but if I was in some grimy bar in a crime ridden neighborhood at 2 am, I probably wouldn't be too surprised if someone started being very rude to me.

    If people are violating the rules that isn't gameplay.

    Kind people exist in harsh environments and unkind people exist in fancy places.

    It's always about the individual and the individual encounter, if we go looking to write the story about people it creates an obstacle in figuring out who someone is.

    The internet can and does create negative effects sometimes but it also gives people community where they may not have it locally.

    All we can do to combat unkindness is to create kindness. One of the greatest super powers we have as people is the power to create thoughtfulness from emptiness.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Don't kill people just because you can:

    @athena-azmadeus said in Don't kill people just because you can:

    Well, if someone is making nasty comments to another person, I don't think that's game play or escapism. That's just a jerk in real life being a jerk in the gaming word. The reason why there is so much toxicity on the internet isn't because nice people in real life suddenly become mean on the internet/in gaming. It's because the online world brings everybody from all backgrounds into the same field. If I was shopping at a tasteful store I would be very surprised if some stranger started being nasty, but if I was in some grimy bar in a crime ridden neighborhood at 2 am, I probably wouldn't be too surprised if someone started being very rude to me.

    If people are violating the rules that isn't gameplay.

    Kind people exist in harsh environments and unkind people exist in fancy places.

    It's always about the individual and the individual encounter, if we go looking to write the story about people it creates an obstacle in figuring out who someone is.

    The internet can and does create negative effects sometimes but it also gives people community where they may not have it locally.

    All we can do to combat unkindness is to create kindness. One of the greatest super powers we have as people is the power to create thoughtfulness from emptiness.

    Yes, you can have unkind people in nice environments and kind people in harsh environments, but we're talking about generalities that have a degree of truth to them. There's a reason why you feel safe in a filled street in the middle of the day but hesitate to walk down a dark alleyway in the middle of the night alone. In the first example you are less likely to run into a questionable character and in the second example you are more likely. I'm just saying the internet doesn't suddenly produce toxic people the moment they log online. Our likelihood of running into rude people just goes up on the internet because there aren't any physical barriers that would have separated us before.
    Yes, the internet can be a really good place. Obviously I agree with this since I'm here. Yes, kindness is the key! If the world had a little more love we would all be doing so much better.

  • @athena-azmadeus said in Don't kill people just because you can:

    Sea of Thieves... rather Sea of Jerks LOL. I'm new to this game but I was a big online player on Halo 2, 3, and 4 and we all experienced those players... the one's that drove the wrong way, shot their own teammates with the rocket, spawn killed, used the noob combo in such excess it was annoying, took advantage of killing frozen opponents when they were obviously having server issues, and they were nasty and made all sorts of rude comments. What they are are lousy people in real life who reflect their behavior in the game. This is true for Halo and Sea of Thieves.
    My brother and I like to play together and when we run into a ship full of lousy people we just respawn into a new ship and harass the other ship until they get so tired of us that they quit and move on to another server LOL! And serves them right too!
    I've read all the other posts from the people in this thread and I've got to say most of the people in this thread are cool. There's a reason why one guy likes to be lousy to other players and why another guy felt bad for blasting a sloop at port with brand new people who were just learning. People carry their character into the game.

    EDIT: I do want to make a clarifying statement about harassing another ship until they leave the server. I'm definitely exaggerating/joking. What we do is if we run into a ship that sinks us we go back and try to sink them, and if we are unsuccessful the first time, we will try again. Whether they leave the server or not has no bearing on me. There's no way for me to tell if they have left the server anyways. As far as encountering lousy people on this game, the only time we've ever encountered toxic people was from those who have boarded our ship. A coincidence I guess. If I ever run into a nasty person on land I wouldn't follow them around the sea or anything. Quite the contrary, I'd leave them alone. I play games to de-stress. Not gain more stress.

  • Sea of... thieves

  • What about kegging?

    I wouldn't encourage kegging empty unguarded ships, but if you can keg a crewed ship, I think its beautiful.

  • I feel like this is just a thing people should do I'm general, but that would make the game less fun, so just don't attack people who say they don't want to fight.

  • @pumpa-cat said in Don't kill people just because you can:


    Noob question here: how do you know whether a ship is carrying loot unless you get so close to it that you possibly appear to be aggressive to the other player?

    If their emissary level is 1, it's safe to say they're emptyhanded.

    If their emissary level is 2, they probably have peanuts.

    Emissary 3-5 I would say is fair game to assume they're worth going after.

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