Second Character Suggestion

  • Dear fellow pirates and developers, I'm not entirely sure if this suggestion is possible but I thought I'd ask anyway:

    My main character is a male bodied pirate, I was forced to delete my first pirate due to it making people uncomfortable that I (A closeted trans girl) was playing a female pirate, so I remade my pirate and have since put countless hours into the game, and made it to pirate legend, however, I did it as a character I wish was more like me.

    So my suggestion would be to add a feature/option to have a 2nd character on one account, kind of like GTA 5 online, you can have two characters, but your rank, money, and some progress is saved, (IE, pirate legend status could carry over)

    Now I understand I could just use a different account, but then I'd have to spend so many hours getting back to where I am, and you could just say "Why don't you buy a appearance change? Problem solved!" While I do agree that would solve the problem, I cannot do that because I'm still in the closet and play this with IRL people who don't know, so I'm at a lost of what to do with a game I genuinely like playing.

    So perhaps you could have it be like, your main pirate has a sibling and or it's just a different person altogether, nonetheless, that pirate can start off with the same money, or maybe half of the money (or even share) with the first character, and either all the progress could carry over, or maybe have it be halfed some way? I'm not sure.

    I get that this suggestion isn't great and would only serve a small portion of people, but I personally would benefit so much from this, but anyway, that's my idea.

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    communityjust for fungeneral
  • Sorry you are in an unfortunate situation of not being able to feel comfortable expressing yourself how you wish.

    not sure why anyone is giving you a rough time over a character.

    People should be able to play with whatever character they choose, people's personal lives don't need to be getting poked at over it.

    Good luck with this.

    P.S. you are always welcome around here as you are, it's always awesome to have new people participating and contributing with their ideas and experiences.

  • @captainwildrose I prefer playing as a female in almost every game I play, my logic is why would I want to stare at a dude if I like girls? Also back when I had a female pirate, when questioned about it I just told people that all the men look like rats that turned into people and got addicted to crack. I also told people that playing as a female pirate gives me the extra 5 seconds I need to murder a simp trying to calculate whether or not they should attack me or offer me a grog. You can also say females have a smaller hit box and that skinny male pirates all look like sid from ice age.

    I stopped being female avatars when a 10 year old told me my pirate was “dummy thic” and then proceeded to screenshot my in game avatar.

  • I usually like to play female toon too, but I just couldn't make one I liked on the wheel of randomness! So now I just roll a dude.

  • I was forced to delete my first pirate due to it making people uncomfortable that I (A closeted trans girl) was playing a female pirate, so I remade my pirate and have since put countless hours into the game, and made it to pirate legend, however, I did it as a character I wish was more like me.

    1. throw those codfish overboard and let them feel more uncomfortable with sand in there boots and a fish in there pants leg.
      You shouldn’t have to worry about how you look to others, especially when you can wear anything on your pirate. Regardless of m/f

    2. sorry, but you made the choice to switch/delete? Instead of idk…reroll as the term is used to remake your pirate without losing progress.

    But as I said…you can reroll and make a new pirate without losing progress on your pirate.

  • @burnbacon this happened in 2019, before the appearance potion was a thing 😅

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