Suggestion for PvP milestones

  • Greetings

    Today I wanted to bring a topic to discuss. There has been a number of players who would appreciate to have PvP milestones and stats that are tracked to it. While many of us who like to focus on PvE would prefer to not increase agression or shot-on-sight interactions, I wanted to share a thought with you.

    What if PvP milestones, crests and titles existed, but there is a catch: the reaper's mark flag. I'm not talking about the Reaper emmisary flag that multiplies gold value when you touch loot and sell it to Flameheart Jr. I'm talking about the red flag with the skull of SoT's logo. The flag was designed to show your position to everyone else on their map tables just like the emmisary but was also considered the PvP flag. The point I want to make is that PvP milestones for the captain book would only count if your ship and the enemy ship you're engaging with have both the reaper's mark flag.

    • Number of ships sunk with the flag.
    • Number of loot stolen from ships with the flag.
    • Number of cannonballs landed on ships with the flag.
    • Number of masts broken from ships with the flag.
    • Number of pistol, eye of reach, blunderbuss shots landed on crews of ships with said flag.
    • And so on.
    These would only count if also you used the Reaper's mark flag on your own ship. If you are not using the flag, or if the ship you're fighting is not using it either, the stat trackers in the milestones would not increase at all.

    The reasons I propose this is because I thought that adding raw milestones like ships sunk and shots landed would mean that many PvP focused players would increase their their agression probably and would shoot everything on sight for the sake of raising those numbers quickly instead of letting them go up naturally as their PvP playstyle is. There is already a change in the behaviour of many players like going afk by sleeping instead of letting that number go up naturally, so I thought others would also rush to sink others as soon as possible, increasing agression and non-pacific interactions between players.

    Also, I thought that a crew that attacks another crew who isn't willing to fight back would easily boost the milestone progress, and it would be better if only increased against crews who are willing to fight back.

    Tall talers and fishermen could still be attacked by any other ship, but at least they wouldn't become a target of PvP milestone players as long as they wouldn't go with the Reaper's mark flag.

    Thanks for reading, and remember, this is just an opinion made by me, and I don't want to state that any of what I said is a fact.

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  • There has been a number of players who would appreciate to have PvP milestones and stats that are tracked to it.

    from my count, not even 1%

    The point I want to make is that PvP milestones for the captain book would only count if your ship and the enemy ship you're engaging with have both the reaper's mark flag.

    So were looking at the same issue Reapers seem to have. Player wanting PvP hunting down other ships but nobody wants to because they are "seen"

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