Looking for crew to make some money with me and my brother.

  • Hey all! Very new to this game but I’m loving it so far! The only issue I seem to keep running into when playing with my brother is that every time we’re about to finish an event or mission, a random crew of jackas**s will completely destroy our ship and spawn kill is over and over and take all the loot we spent an hour or more trying to get. I know that a lot of PVP goes into the game and that’s fine! It makes it very interesting but its gotten to the point where I can’t make any money because me and my brother are not enough to hold our own after we exhaust our resources trying to do whatever mission we’re trying to do that day. If anyone is interested in joining up on Xbox send me a message or invite me to a party! Would love to play with some experienced, non-toxic players! My gamertag is FeraciVrsace

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  • Ahoy...X36iX here ive been having the same issue but im willing to try to help out i have no mic tho my gamertag is X36iX skull image hit me up anytime hope it gets better for you and your brother eithier way

  • I have mic and play on Xbox. I'm not super expirenced but willing to help in any way I can. Just wanna chill and have fun.

  • I’ll play

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