Been a landlubber too long, what's new on the Seas?

  • Ahoy there!

    It's been a while. But I'm flirting with the idea of returning to the Sea to take my rightful place as a Captain of ill repute.

    Some of youse may remember me from days of yore, others not so much, either way, a hearty hello to faces new and old.

    My main question is: what is good and what is fun, right now? I'm gonna take my new ship out for a voyage later but I'd like some suggestions so that I can pick a specific heading.

    If you were a returning pirate, with a thousand hours or so under their belt, who hasn't been around for what feels like a couple of years, what would you jump into first?

    Not so interested in Tall Tales for now. I tend to get to that when I've exhausted the more sandboxy content, are there any completely new voyage types compared to say, when emissaries first came out?

    I think I checked out after the first or second Ledger.

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  • Welcome back Squidy bud!

    Yeah, each outpost faction now has new voyages... Order of Souls has fleet battle voyages, Gold Hoarder has vault voyages, Merchants have lost shipment voyages, and Athena has Legend of the Veil voyages. Lots of choice and Captains can buy bundles of voyages to keep on the ship - including ones that mix and match different faction voyages.

  • @realstyli

    Ah, good to see you matey!

    Veil of Shadows? Mix and match voyages? Sounds marvelous.

    What's been happening lorewise? Last I heard, some idiots, possibly us, had released Flameheart back onto the Seas. Is that all still happening? Who are these Sovereigns? What's become of the Reapers? Did they ever finish building that hideout thing? What was all that about?

    I can see from the map that things seem to have shifted about, and there's sea forts now? Not skeleton ones, but stone forts? Also, there's a bunch of new buildings on the outposts. It really does feel like coming back to a place after a long absence to find that your favourite restaurant has changed into a pub (better that than a boutique hotel!)

    It looks like there's a lot to take in.

  • @boxcar-squidy said in Been a landlubber too long, what's new on the Seas?:


    Ah, good to see you matey!

    Veil of Shadows? Mix and match voyages? Sounds marvelous.

    Legend of the Veil. Basically a 3 step voyage, with the last one being a sort of world event that the whole server can see, but it gives a lot of Athena Rep - which you'll need as the cap has risen to 30 for Athena's Fortune.

    Yeah, you can get a "mix and match" voyage from the Shipwrights as a Captain. It combines a vault voyage, ghost fleet, and lost shipment into one voyage.

    What's been happening lorewise? Last I heard, some idiots, possibly us, had released Flameheart back onto the Seas. Is that all still happening? Who are these Sovereigns? What's become of the Reapers? Did they ever finish building that hideout thing? What was all that about?

    The Reaper's Hideout is as it was. Flameheart's fleet have retreated but he's still a threat. As are the Dark Brethren (Wanda, Duke, Amaranta). So there's really 3 factions in the "war". I know you're not interested in Tall Tales for now, but A Pirate's Life is a good place to catch up on the Dark Brethren.

    We also recently battled for the fate of Golden Sands and saved it - it's now renamed New Golden Sands Outpost. Adventures are now a thing. They are limited time story events that progress what's going on, and occasionally there will be choices for the community to make (such as saving Golden Sands).

    I can see from the map that things seem to have shifted about, and there's sea forts now? Not skeleton ones, but stone forts?

    Sea Forts are populated by phantoms. They're a really easy encounter, good for a short session and good for getting supplies from. The loot is decent for the time put in - about 20K-25K base value for everything.

    Also, there's a bunch of new buildings on the outposts. It really does feel like coming back to a place after a long absence to find that your favourite restaurant has changed into a pub (better that than a boutique hotel!)

    It looks like there's a lot to take in.

    They just added the Sovereigns to outposts. They will take all loot you'd sell at an outpost, as long as you're a Captain. A little OP in my opinion, but they are new and I expect they'll be tweaked.

  • @boxcar-squidy, Been a landlubber too long, what's new on the Seas? içinde yazdı:


    What's been happening lorewise? Last I heard, some idiots, possibly us, had released Flameheart back onto the Seas. Is that all still happening? Who are these Sovereigns? What's become of the Reapers?

    So... Wanda betrayed Flameheart and joined a faction called "The Dark Brethren" commanded by the mysterious Cap'n.

    Our boi Duke was banned from the bilge rats unfairly. His need for adventure and sadness brought him to the sirens which were sided with the dark Brethern. So Duke is now with the dark Brethern too.

    Flamehearts adopted son (now known as servant of the flame) took the place of wanda at reapers to get revenue for reapers.

    The reapers attacked golden sands and a literal war started where players could choose sides (Merrick or the servant of the flame). However, the community were bunch of weaklings and sided with Merrick. Now golden sands is saved. The war was a blast though.

    Our boi merrick got murdered by the dark Brethern and got captured before he boarded the ferry. Acording to the news video, the next adventure (coming in 18th) will be us saving our boi Merrick from the new HQ of the dark Brethern.

    So we are in war. ATHENA vs REAPERS vs DARK BRETHREN.

  • @thorumsu very interesting...

    Very interesting indeed...

    War again? And Warsmith right in the middle of it. Seems a long time since she was selling us weapons from her quiet little shop instead of all of this war mongering.

    Whelp, so long as there's money to be made.

    See youse on the Sea.

  • This just in- Captaincy is currently a mess. I hope Rare fixes it, but we already kinda warned them about a lot of it before this happened. I’m flustered about this update. Lots of horrible choices that I trust Rare to correct, but we’ll never know. Just hold on to yer hooks!

  • Don't forget DeMarco shut down the Sea Dogs Arena and has subsequently been murdered. Amaranta was a suspect, although the suspicion drove her to get involved in the Merrick plot. Lesedi seems to be missing, and Ramsey has been framed for DeMarco's murder (or is guilty, nobody knows yet). This is all part of the new Mystery; fire up your social media chops if it's your bag, a lot of clues are being dropped outside of the game.

  • @boxcar-squidy name rings a bell, welcome back!

    I play significantly less than I used to but I still potter about. There's all sorts to get your piratey teeth stuck in to.

    I'm personally focusing on the new(ish) trading company missions (they aren't new but I need to unlock the fancy sails)

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