Despawned Lost Shipment

  • Wondering if anyone else has encountered this. My crew and I got to our 4th Clue location (Serik of Hunter's Call at North Star Sea Post) and she wouldn't give us the next clue, nor could we locate anything to pick up for the clue. Only one crate of merchant goods was there. We then proceeded to the shipwreck after not being able to get the clue and to our surprise, the manifest was floating in the water under the birds. There was no shipwreck down below. I'm most confused about why the manifest was the only thing that floated up.

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  • It's been an issue since the beginning of the content

    it's better than it used to be, people used to not be able to even get the manifest

    it happens randomly

  • @secret-vveapon

    The Manifest doesn't spawn until the voyage owner arrives.

    So when you sail to where the wreck should be, it spawns.

  • @pithyrumble That's extra strange then because it was really close to North Star, so a crew mate actually rowboated to it while we were trying to figure out why we weren't getting a clue. He found it floating in the water. Actually now that I'm thinking of it, it was so close to North Star that the voyage owner may have been close enough for it to spawn. Shame we lost all the loot during double gold but there will be loads more! Thanks, Pithy.

  • @secret-vveapon same happened to me today. No message when I spoke to Serik, manifest was floating under a large flock of seaguls a few meters south. I think it's a common spot. I reckon I'll cancel any time I get that route in future.

  • @luciansanchez82 I'm wondering if it has to do with new dialog. There's a dialog option now to ask her about the recent trouble with Merrik, and I'm wondering if that cancels out her clue dialog option in some way.

  • I had the same problem today. Started at Daggers Tooth and couldn't find the wreck. The manifest appeared next to North Star, even though the ship should have been near Golden Sands.

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