The Kraken Trap

  • So, a few months ago, I was still pretty new to SoT. I only encountered a kraken once, in an open crew. I was sailing solo, going to an outpost to sell my loot from a fort, when I saw some loot going past. “Oh hey, free loot.” I think. I lowered the anchor, and jump in the water. (I didn’t know you could use harpoon, plus I wasn’t in range.) I go to pick up a crate and the EXCAT second I pick up the crate, A Kraken appears! My oblivious self completely missed the weird black ink under my ship! Not being able to react in time because I’m in the water, the Kraken puts many holes in my ship. When I’m back on board, I attempt to escape, but it was too late. The trap was set. My ship sunk, and still to this day, I have not gotten my revenge.

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  • Welcome, it's nice to have you here

    good luck with your revenge

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