Clothes removed on death. Bug re-added?

  • Has anyone been getting this bug? Everytime Me or my sister die and go to the ferry, the game removes our clothing and vanity items, as well as unnaming our pets. We keep our equipment however.
    I saw this was a previous bug, but is there a chance it’s been re-added accidentally? Anyone else getting this? Thank you.

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  • They brought back another game feature

  • Happened to me last night. Respawned bald, tattooless, clothesless, dogless, emoteless… very sad….

    I don’t think it unnamed my dog though; got him back out of his crate and he was fine.

  • Aye! I am shorn and disrobed!

  • Just a feature where rare strips your pirate nude. Happens to me all the time now. I don't even have to die, it's just spontaneouos.

  • @mjmike7 yes it just happened to me. Clothes removed, pet renamed to default.

    Not felt this exposed since I tried to solo Fort of the Damned.

  • just exiting to menu and rejoining the session worked for me.. but for my partner the whole game is broke. like the 'what's new' button on the main menu is locked (has a chain/lock logo on it) and unclickable, the pirate emporium has some weird generic image instead of the current image of the costume/shipset thats new and her character is completely stripped of cosmetics.

    restarting the game, starting on a new server, and rejoining on me has done nothing.

    its frustrating because when you have 10 radial wheels of emotes set up and they are ALL GONE.. the rest is all trivial but thats a game breaker man.

  • @mjmike7 It's a known bug with support tickets put it for it that some of us discovered only happens while doing the adventure. Once you're done, it shouldn't happen again.

  • An update on this issue...

    We've identified a fix for the issue that has been affecting some pirates' cosmetic load-outs and unique traits.
    We will be implementing a solution early next week - please note that pirates' unique traits, such as freckles and scars, will be restored with this fix.

  • This has been happening to me the last 2 days! I have never had this issue before. Clothing and all cosmetics removed, emotes removed etc

  • Not to me, but to someone I play with. They lose their clothes and emotes every time they die now. Doesn't matter if they do a new session the next day. It keeps happening. It's a royal pain to replace the clothing and emotes. This is ridiculous.

  • Yes, been happening the last few days for me and my entire crew, extremely annoying to set emotes up and clothes every time we die....

  • Happened to me today as well. Died during an Ashen Winds and everything reset.

  • Every time I die my stuff gets unequipped only my equipment is still there it’s very annoying

  • Yeaa for me and my crew we got the same freaking problem, everytime we die we lose all our clothes. Please fix this

  • Happened to me last list with my crew, kinda sucks cuz I couldt remember what I was wearing, and I looked awesome man.

  • Been having the same problem here. I made a ticket to see if they can find out what the problem is. But doesn't matter how much I put it on or whatever, it Always gets removed as soon as I die. It's annoying as hell...
    I started getting this bug when I did the Revenge of the Morning Star tall tale 5 times.. Wearing the outfit that gets removed after finishing the tall tale. I'm not sure if its connected, but It's.."something"

  • Same been happening to me too. I really hope they can figure out a fix for this before any new content has been given a release window.

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