Scuttling in Red Sea

  • I know this is unpopular opinion but there should be an option of scuttling your ship at red sea which instantly deletes your loot. At the moment you can sail to red sea but chasing crew can still follow and repair their ship while harpooning your loot. This shouldn't be an option. We should have a way to instantly deny loot from chasing crew if they are incompetent enough not to take you down before you reach the red sea.

    Reasoning? This would remove hours long chases. No one would bother to chase knowing they will get nothing from it and instead focus on honing their skills of approach.

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  • nope. One gets a chance to sacrifice and the other gets a chance to recover/prevent.

    performance, strategy, and luck (good and bad) are the deciding factors not interference imo.

  • @cinnumann said in Scuttling in Red Sea:

    I know this is unpopular opinion but there should be an option of scuttling your ship at red sea which instantly deletes your loot. At the moment you can sail to red sea but chasing crew can still follow and repair their ship while harpooning your loot. This shouldn't be an option. We should have a way to instantly deny loot from chasing crew if they are incompetent enough not to take you down before you reach the red sea.

    Reasoning? This would remove hours long chases. No one would bother to chase knowing they will get nothing from it and instead focus on honing their skills of approach.

    It's not your loot until you turn it in; you should have no rights to remove loot from the server that isn't yours.

    The AFAIK not intended current Red Sea despawning of loot should be fixed.

    If you give up your ship, by scuttling or sinking in the red sea, the loot should be on the waves or on the beaches close by.

  • There are dozens of reasons to chase another ship, like the emissary flag, or simply "because I want to". Your suggestion wouldn't change anything.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Scuttling in Red Sea:

    nope. One gets a chance to sacrifice and the other gets a chance to recover/prevent.

    You have chance to prevent. You shouldn't be rewarded for failure.

  • @lem0n-curry

    Yeah it is no ones loot. So there should be an option to deny it from anyone.

  • @targasbr
    It would change a lot. No one would chase for hours cause they know that if they drive other player to the limit he will just deny everything from you and encourage new players to learn how to approach and attack.

  • @cinnumann said in Scuttling in Red Sea:

    @wolfmanbush said in Scuttling in Red Sea:

    nope. One gets a chance to sacrifice and the other gets a chance to recover/prevent.

    You have chance to prevent. You shouldn't be rewarded for failure.

    These topics are two sides trying to get outside power involved to cater to their preferences.

    It's to be worked out by the crews not by the power of interference to pick one over the other. Crews can figure it out themselves with the established environment we compete in.

    Interference removes freedom and individual performance and replaces it with a linear experience where power picks winners and losers.

  • @wolfmanbush
    Im not on anyones side here. Just putting up an idea that would prevent people from being rewarded from failure and saving time.

  • @cinnumann disse em Scuttling in Red Sea:

    It would change a lot. No one would chase for hours cause they know that if they drive other player to the limit he will just deny everything from you and encourage new players to learn how to approach and attack.

    Read again:

    @targasbr disse em Scuttling in Red Sea:

    or simply "because I want to".

  • @cinnumann As much as I advocate for people to have the freedom to use the Red Sea for whatever reason, I'm solidly against this proposal. No way should you have the ability to just press a button to remove/deny loot in the game. If the other crew wants to brave it and try to retrieve the loot, more power to them as it leaves them vulnerable to a return/revenge attack. This proposal is as bad as the Reapers requesting the loot drift back into the normal sea so they can just scoop it up after driving someone to the map edge. And as I say to both sides, the loot is not yours until you turn it in so you do not have the final say as to whether they can have it or not.

    Also you are quite naive if you think this would stop pursuit of dedicated pursuers, many of which care nothing for the loot but live for the chase and battle. This would change nothing except for having a few more people beeline directly to the Red Sea at the first sign of another player instead of even trying to escape or sell off.

    But not to worry as this request will never see the light of day. It has no place in this or any other game.

  • @targasbr
    Yes I sided that cherry picking argument for a reason. No one (or less than 1%) wants to chase just because of the chase. People want loot or PvP or something. They almost every time want something.

  • @cinnumann disse em Scuttling in Red Sea:

    Yes I sided that cherry picking argument for a reason. No one (or less than 1%) wants to chase just because of the chase. People want loot or PvP or something. They almost every time want something.

    Could you please send me the source you got this data from?

  • @cinnumann said in Scuttling in Red Sea:


    Yeah it is no ones loot. So there should be an option to deny it from anyone.

    Why, because as you say it is not your loot. We don't need a poor sport button in the game as that is what this request boils down to.

    At least with Red Sea running it is something you can have fun with, this proposal is nothing but sour grapes and adds nothing beneficial or useful to the game. This is nothing but a pure proposal of spite.

  • @targasbr
    Come on man :D Obviously I have no data about peoples intentions in this game but mostly they are predictable.

  • @cinnumann said in Scuttling in Red Sea:

    Come on man :D Obviously I have no data about peoples intentions in this game but mostly they are predictable.

    No, you have preconceived notions that you are declaring because you think they add weight to your argument....they don't because we see them as the fallacies and baseless assumptions they are.

  • @dlchief58
    What do you mean poor sport?
    This adds to game a lot. It makes people to learn. It forces you to think about approach. This game has gone to "adult" for a long time now so why not stop rewarding people for not even being capable of sinking someone?

  • @cinnumann disse em Scuttling in Red Sea:

    Come on man :D Obviously I have no data about peoples intentions in this game but mostly they are predictable.

    And that's exactly why your suggestion doesn't change anything. I own everything in the game myself and continue to seek out ships bearing Reaper's emissary only for PvP. I often don't even pick up the treasures they left behind, and when I do I often make a point of donating to new pirates I find on my journey.

    If you don't want them to be chasing you, just turn your ship and battle, so neither of you wastes time and the best takes the treasures.

  • @dlchief58
    Why do you think people chase ships in this game?

  • @targasbr
    What difference to your playstyle would my suggestion make then? You oppose this for reason I assume.

  • @cinnumann disse em Scuttling in Red Sea:

    Why do you think people chase ships in this game?

    The question was not directed at me, but I think this video will answer your question, it talks about sinking ships but the basis is the same.

  • @cinnumann said in Scuttling in Red Sea:

    Why do you think people chase ships in this game?

    Because they want to. Many need no motivation. Just like I will lead them into the Red with no loot after wasting their time on a chase...because I enjoy it!

  • @cinnumann disse em Scuttling in Red Sea:

    What difference to your playstyle would my suggestion make then? You oppose this for reason I assume.

    The game is not just mine, we must think of all types of players. If it were mine, you wouldn't even have the chance to run away, you'd be forced to fight for your treasures even if you didn't want to.

  • @targasbr
    That video doesnt answer to question at all. What difference would it make to you if someone sails to red sea and loot floats, or they sail to red sea and loot doesnt. Please read the topic you answer to.

  • @dlchief58
    Ok and what difference does it make for those who wants to chase? My suggestion I mean. How does it alter their way of playing?

  • @cinnumann disse em Scuttling in Red Sea:

    That video doesnt answer to question at all. What difference would it make to you if someone sails to red sea and loot floats, or they sail to red sea and loot doesnt. Please read the topic you answer to.

    The loot is not yours to have control over.

  • @cinnumann said in Scuttling in Red Sea:

    Just putting up an idea that would prevent people from being rewarded from failure

    You keep saying this but the truth is they did not fail. They caused you to surrender the loot. You are wanting the Red Sea to be some kind of magical line of spite.

  • @targasbr
    Yes ofc but you answer with your own opinion. So what difference would it make for you? And man I love that attitude that no one even gets a chance to run! That is what Im after with this. People would bother to learn how to approach ships instead of tailing them for ages.

  • @targasbr
    That again has nothing to do with the subject.

  • @ghostpaw
    So if you cant catch someone and fail to sink them it is not a failure? I learn something new every day :D

  • @cinnumann disse em Scuttling in Red Sea:

    Yes ofc but you answer with your own opinion. So what difference would it make for you? And man I love that attitude that no one even gets a chance to run! That is what Im after with this. People would bother to learn how to approach ships instead of tailing them for ages.

    It's not my opinion, it's the game design. Nothing is yours until it is sold and all players are free to play as they wish as long as it is not against the rules of the game.

  • @cinnumann said in Scuttling in Red Sea:


    Yeah it is no ones loot. So there should be an option to deny it from anyone.

    No, it isn't yours, so you have no control over its removal.

    What about burying the loot and keeping those maps save - much better way to handle those "pirates that chase for hours".

  • @cinnumann said in Scuttling in Red Sea:

    Yes ofc but you answer with your own opinion. So what difference would it make for you? And man I love that attitude that no one even gets a chance to run! That is what Im after with this. People would bother to learn how to approach ships instead of tailing them for ages.

    And the alternate view is, “People would bother to learn how to fight ships instead of running from them for ages.”

  • @cinnumann

    No... do it right.

    There is a despawn wall if you keep repairing, they can't get the loot from there. If you want to destroy loot, put in the work. Red Sea scuttling shouldn't delete loot.

    ALSO: Red Sea loot should not float out or respawn somewhere else either. You didn't catch them, you don't deserve the loot either.

  • @cinnumann said in Scuttling in Red Sea:

    So if you cant catch someone and fail to sink them it is not a failure? I learn something new every day :D

    They didn’t fail to catch them. They cornered them and the other crew gave up by sailing into oblivion to scuttle. You can pretend you do not understand this but I know you are smarter than that. Scuttling is surrender.

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