Looking for crew

  • Hi there,

    I´ve been playing Sea of Thieves since the day 1 (with pre order) until now mainly as a solo. I do not like matching with random open crews, which often lead to nothing de facto.

    Therefore I am looking for a group/crew of pirates to join, possibly with a group/server chat for communication.
    I am not suitable for every group as:

    1. I cannot always use mic regularly (but can always listen)
    2. I am more of an occasional (thus also quite unexperienced) player

    I am 23 years old, living in the central Europe time zone.
    Looking for a take-it-easy crew that is up for all game styles (not only pvp) and that accepts occasional gamers due to work/studies.
    I can be a very cooperative crew mate, listen and do what I am required to do in order to achieve a result and have fun.

    See you in the sea!

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