Suggestion. Add an aquarium

  • Add a portable aquarium with fishes that u bought (u can add some special fishes to buy and make them not sell-able) or that u catched in the sea. Sailing from 1 island to another island is boring. Just watching in water of the sea or vomiting at your teammates for 10+ minutes (jk ofc). I'd better look at my fishes at the aquarium for hours. Also an idea where u can place an aquarium. In some wall of the ship or on some table. I mean an interactible place. U can also make them pets-like for real money

  • 16
    just for funfeedback
  • I mean you could just look at the fish in the sea.

    If you want something to do you can reorganize your barrels, scan the horizon or just jump around the ship.

    Having an aquarium for this purpose is like watching grass grow.

  • @aribalam
    nah nah I just wanna see how they swim inside the aquarium. That would be hypnotic.

  • I think the term you're looking for is a Livewell.

    It's where you store fish temporarily when you want to tank them at base. In our particular case, since it is session based a Livewell makes sense.

  • @trappy-trapp Great idea i love it!
    Not every addition needs to add a game mechanic or new rewards, its just another way to make the world of Sea of Thieves feels richer.
    It will add a welcome value to the game, You have my upvote +

  • @aribalam you know what I’d like to see added? Different kinds of ambient fish swimming around. We only have Splashtails at the moment but more types, even biome specific would be more fun.

  • I get that, but I don't think watching fishes would be entertaining for long...

  • @personalc0ffee Yeah maybe. But I think it's too futuristic and it should be transparent. Otherwise there is no point to add this

  • @flamenoir4280 Don't think so. At least not 4 every1 :)

  • @trappy-trapp said in Suggestion. Add an aquarium:

    @personalc0ffee Yeah maybe. But I think it's too futuristic and it should be transparent. Otherwise there is no point to add this

    Livewells are basically what you're asking for. Little portable holding tank where you can watch your fish, feed it, etc.

    It's basically a travel box, which makes perfect sense for a boat and they are aquarium glass.

  • @trappy-trapp I mean I hope for you it won't get boring but it remains the same animations over and over and over again you've already seen a thousand times... That's my point, at some point you'll find it boring and might want some other stuff to do instead.

    On the good hand you've got pets who can be a perfect example of this, it's not an aquarium but it moves and does funny things for you to pass time. After a week tho, if you're an active player, it gets tiring and becomes nothing much to you anymore...

  • @flamenoir4280 But it dosent need to be any more then that, the goal is not to stare at them haha just another touch to add for the immersion.
    In the Galleon's captain quarters alot of the props are there just for aesthetics, an aquarium will be just that but with the addition of fish inside.

  • @trappy-trapp not for me

  • @ninja-naranja ye having the night variants of fish pop out in the ocean would be fun

  • Could add fish thaat you get grade5 commendations for.

  • @faceyourdemon fish in a barrel

just for funfeedback
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