Influence PVP

  • As someone who's played for a long time, I'm upset that being a THIEF in the sea of THIEVES is considered "toxic". All the commendations for THIEVING can all be done in an alliance. That's dumb. There is no great reward for sinking ships and taking their loot. How is it more beneficial to be friends? I want a reason to be a THIEF! This game slacks on pvp. They don't fix hit registration. They don't fix anything that pertains to pvp. It's almost like they don't want us to pvp.

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  • Isn't there an event going on right now dedicated to PvP.

    If some people decide to do the challenges in an alliance then they're doing it wrong, but it's a choice that they have.

    However, they really should focus more on hit registration. Its gotten to a point where you can shoot someone point blank and they won't take damage.

  • Kinda what my problem with Sea of Thieves is, even if you and I are technically on parallel when it comes to views on the game.

    Game seems to be better tailored as some kind of co-op adventure game, rather than this "Hardcore PvP Game" that a lot of people often like to treat it as (In B-Four people come in yelling "PvEvP Game" as if it's supposed to mean anything), which honestly does do a pretty good job on that front... Not so much when it comes to the PvP side of things.

    Netcode for combat between players? Pretty sloppy. Meeting other players? Infrequent, which can very well lead to people deciding that it isn't worth "Gitting gut" because it can very well happen that they spend hundreds of hours "Perfecting their art", only to have no one around to show this "Perfect art" upon. It certainly feels that way on my end at least.

    That and... Yeah, why step on people's toes when it's mutually benefitial to co-operate on the activities... Unless you want to mess with other players, which is annoying.

    I blame Rare having this grand idea of a "Shared World Experience", but they should have worked on making sure that things work properly first... And maybe also not have a romanticized idea of the game, when the reality is a stark contrast.

  • @aribalam my point is, there needs to be real THIEVING commendations. There needs to be some incentive to sink other boats.
    I don't think there should be alliance's. But I get it.

  • @kalgert you get it. The game literally has Thieves in the name. Yet you're better off being friends.

  • Alliance servers amplify the damage done to significance but there isn't any real way to keep stolen commendations legitimately stolen. There is no standard. There never has been or will be so really they don't server much purpose in the game which is why I don't support them existing

    The only people that consider pvp itself toxic are those that refuse to handle a loss in a positive way and are sympathetic to those that are negative. So it leads to toxic and cheating accusations but there is no great and powerful moral arbiter that has deemed pvp/stealing toxic

    It's not hard to find pvp. I don't even enjoy pvp and I find it whenever I want by just leveling up a reaper emissary and waiting a bit or working on a Fort of Fortune. Others find it easy by hop-hunting the servers. It's a pve/pvp environment so of course the devs are focused on balanced but if you want you can make pvp happen for yourself a lot it just takes effort.

    I don't even know what to say about hit reg. It's gone from something mostly only accurate pvpers noticed to where it affects pretty much everyone all day at this point in one way or another.

  • @wolfmanbush I get the pve/pvp environment. I get that this game has a shared experience. But if this is the route they are taking, they need to change the name of the game to Sea of Adventure.

  • @sloth-ggs

    @wolfmanbush I get the pve/pvp environment. I get that this game has a shared experience. But if this is the route they are taking, they need to change the name of the game to Sea of Adventure.

    Well the sea is full of thieves and there are no consequences or penalties for thieving so it still seems fitting to me

  • @sloth-ggs I reject this "The game has Thieves in the game!" argument, as it is a non-argument. There's a good handful of games that have a title, but the game has nothing in relations to it.

    That being said, even if the game does benefit more people co-operating (And honestly seems more tailored towards that), people don't really do that, it's more "Shoot first, insult later", which I am pretty sure Rare didn't want to happen either.

    @wolfmanbush said in Influence PVP:

    Alliance servers amplify the damage done to significance but there isn't any real way to keep stolen commendations legitimately stolen. There is no standard. There never has been or will be so really they don't server much purpose in the game which is why I don't support them existing

    I think this is a problem with game intent versus game reality. The intent was for people to have this game where they can co-operate or fight each other... At least, Rare had that idea, but players are pretty single-minded more often than not.
    If anything, just shows that there is a crowd of dedicated people who would like to play this game, only would like to stay out of the way of people who're interested in PvP, and preferably keep them away from them as well.

    The only people that consider pvp itself toxic are those that refuse to handle a loss in a positive way and are sympathetic to those that are negative. So it leads to toxic and cheating accusations but there is no great and powerful moral arbiter that has deemed pvp/stealing toxic

    Uhm... Death or "Defeat" is never a "Positive" end effect. I don't understand where people come from thinking that this is somehow a realistic thing.

    I never play games and think "Oh man, losing was such a great experience", I just think to myself "Well, I lost, that's annoying".

    I don't even know what to say about hit reg. It's gone from something mostly only accurate pvpers noticed to where it affects pretty much everyone all day at this point in one way or another.

    And yet, people still treat the game as some kind of serious hardcore PvP game. Why? Who knows.

  • @wolfmanbush what servers do you play on? Every ship I see runs away. I chase reapers to the red sea all the time. The only way I can get a real fight is by playing arena. And even then, people run with the chest

  • @kalgert I stand by it. But I guess ots time to start looking for a new game to play.

  • @kalgert said in Influence PVP:

    Uhm... Death or "Defeat" is never a "Positive" end effect. I don't understand where people come from thinking that this is somehow a realistic thing.

    A person learns and grows when they lose. They keep their edge. They keep their hunger. They keep their appreciation for effort and the environment around them

    It's realistic for everyone that betters themselves at anything. Losses are needed. Everyone that is at the top of any mountain got there by falling down over and over and getting back up over and over.

    Losing is a blessing and an opportunity. It's as easy to accept loss as it is to fight it when people don't get caught up in their ego.

  • @wolfmanbush I will choose to not argue with whatever you said, but know that I disagree with you greatly.

    I feel indifferent about loss. I don't learn anything from it, nor do I think it is a great thing or a "Blessing" as you bizarrely call it.

    I should know, I've got many years worth of MOBA and MMO matches under my belt.

    Difference probably has to be that there is actual incentive in those game. Not so much in Sea of Thieves given that you're more likely to never meet any other players, rather than meet them frequently.

  • @kalgert said in Influence PVP:

    @wolfmanbush I will choose to not argue with whatever you said, but know that I disagree with you greatly.

    I feel indifferent about loss. I don't learn anything from it, nor do I think it is a great thing or a "Blessing" as you bizarrely call it.

    I should know, I've got many years worth of MOBA and MMO matches under my belt.

    Difference probably has to be that there is actual incentive in those game. Not so much in Sea of Thieves given that you're more likely to never meet any other players, rather than meet them frequently.

    You don't seem to be indifferent about losing at all. You seem to have quite the emotional connection to winning

    You not learning from it is a choice. We all get to make that choice every time we lose. We get to choose between complaining about it and making excuses and giving up or we get to choose to evaluate the situation, adapt, practice, and re-engage more prepared.

  • @sloth-ggs any suggestions what could be implemented? Stealing Athena chests for the commendation was the most gratifying thing my friend and I did in the game, so I'm right there with you in wishing for more like it.

    However, considering the games design, I think anything introduced that's geared towards thieving will be cheesed in one way or another.

    Personally I have my own sense of pride that we stole those chests properly (as opposed to exchanging them with another crew). I don't really care how others do it. My own story is what matters to me.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Influence PVP:

    @kalgert said in Influence PVP:

    @wolfmanbush I will choose to not argue with whatever you said, but know that I disagree with you greatly.

    I feel indifferent about loss. I don't learn anything from it, nor do I think it is a great thing or a "Blessing" as you bizarrely call it.

    I should know, I've got many years worth of MOBA and MMO matches under my belt.

    Difference probably has to be that there is actual incentive in those game. Not so much in Sea of Thieves given that you're more likely to never meet any other players, rather than meet them frequently.

    You don't seem to be indifferent about losing at all. You seem to have quite the emotional connection to winning

    You not learning from it is a choice. We all get to make that choice every time we lose. We get to choose between complaining about it and making excuses and giving up or we get to choose to evaluate the situation, adapt, practice, and re-engage more prepared.

    It's almost as if winning is a good thing, and losing is not.
    You are one to talk about "Emotional connections" when you have such a romanticized view about getting killed in a videogame. Dude, it's a negative end effect in a videogame, it's not some kind of "Divine Happening". I'm not thinking to myself "Man it's such a good thing that I am losing to this opponent repeatedly" when trying to beat bosses in Soul Calibur, all it does is make me sigh in frustration, then go again for my 50th defeat, only this time try sidestepping a bit more. And when I do finally beat said boss, I just feel relief rather than "A sense of pride and accomplishment".

    There is a third choice to that: Shrug your shoulders and keep playing while being annoyed with the previous defeat. It's what I do anytime I'm playing a Battleground in Elder Scrolls Online or a match in Heroes of the Storm.

  • Oof looks like someone's mad they got called a name by the loosing side.

  • @sloth-ggs said in Influence PVP:

    @wolfmanbush what servers do you play on? Every ship I see runs away. I chase reapers to the red sea all the time. The only way I can get a real fight is by playing arena. And even then, people run with the chest

    If they can run away you messed up. No one is obligated to risk their loot in a fight against a ship that has no loot. Work on your sailing. Hit your chain shots. Anchor balls exist. Being a better pirate isn't just about hopping around and double gunning.

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