
  • For some reason I can't redeem anything from merchant like resources and commodities anyone know how do I fix this?

    And by the way I have killed myself in game and I still couldn't grab them.

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  • Also having the same issue came here for a answer

  • Just happened to me as well. Purchased commodities and couldn't redeem them.

  • Purchased a commodity yesterday and redeemed it just fine.

  • @drou-07 It doesn't always happen

  • @ashen-dragon366 @genuinely-benji @schwartzy2995

    I have a solution, don't pick up the "message in a bottle" (in the barrels) on the outposts before getting your commodities.

    Everytime me and my GF is doing them we always need to take them out first (the commodities) because IF we get a contract on let's say a Fruit crate....we cannot take out anything of the commodities or the supplies we've bought. (until the contract have expired)
    It's a bug, dunno if RARE is aware but it is.

    So, when you're on a not pick up the message in a bottle's in the barrels (IN CASE you'll get a contract with a fruit/cannonball/wood crate) BEFORE buying and taking out your supplies/commodities of the merchant alliance lady.

    I hope you understand what i meant and that it solves your issues, other than that i haven't had problems.

    Ohhh and you'll need to be a merchant alliance emissary to be able to buy them as well....but that you'll already know i'll suppose :P

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