All of our loot just disappeared on our rowboat after rowing for about 20 min

  • We were chased by a galleon and decided to throw all of our loot (Like 20 skulls and chests plus some merchant stuff) on a rowboat and started rowing to reapers hideout. After 20 min or so all we checked if we were still going East and saw that all our loot just disappeared into thin air. We went back the same route multiple times to try and find the loot but with no luck. Can loot despawn on rowboats that are in the ocean now or is it a bug?

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  • @earl1866 Ahoy matey!

    It's a visual bug... if you destroy the rowboat the loot will just appear!

  • Had similar happen to me, was rowing to the FOTD with some kegs to blow up a ship once they completed it and as soon as I arrived, kegs proofed. Plan foiled.. Didn't end to well for me as I was spotted stood there empty handed scratching my head looking for my kegs. Karma i suppose! 😂

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