I got a 30min Arena ban because I kept lagging out of your servers

  • Look

    I got disconnected multiple times in different matches because of the servers and now I have a cooldown. Thing is, I ALWAYS hit "Rejoin" immediately when I was given the option to but the game kept reminding me that when I leave a game like that it'll have consequences.
    I never quit games on purpose and my internet is probably better than anyone's playing this game so it's not my fault.

    I am afraid I'll get kicked out more often in the future, which would result in longer bans and potentially a perma ban.

    As I'm working dfull-time I don't get to play much now anyway and playing one game and getting an hour-long cooldown afterwards would mean no gaming at all to me.

    Can a dev please look into the issue? Immediately reconnecting shouldn't result in bans like come on, how is that even possible?

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  • They should just get rid of the temp ban especially now that arena is being largely left in the dust

    you don't get the ban for bouncing out of the lobby so really all it does is ban people that aren't gonna play a lot anyway and people experiencing connection issues. it didn't solve what it was aiming to solve

  • @wolfmanbush
    Hang on did I get you right, you don't get punished for actually leaving but when the servers decide you've had enough "fun", you get banned?

    WHO invented this system? It doesn't make any sense.

  • Claiming your internet is better doesn’t justify it. Someone else can claim the same, yet here you are getting lagged out while others do not. Sounds more to me it’s the player and not the server.

  • @miko-ohne-hose said in I got a 30min Arena ban because I kept lagging out of your servers:

    Hang on did I get you right, you don't get punished for actually leaving but when the servers decide you've had enough "fun", you get banned?

    WHO invented this system? It doesn't make any sense.

    You get strikes if you disconnect during the round. You don't get any strikes if you leave during the lobby period (ie. you're in the tavern waiting for the round to begin). The system makes sense as it tries to prevent people from quitting out during a round when they don't think they can win, which tended to happen quite often before they added this punishment system.

    The only problem is that it doesn't remove a strike if you rejoin a session that you got disconnected from.

  • @d3adst1ck Ah sorry I misunderstood you then.
    I agree on your last sentence, that doesn't make any sense.

  • @miko-ohne-hose someone's quiet full of their internet aren't they?

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